Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Sssharon, When you type to post a message... there are funny icons in the tool bar right under the word 'Reply'...If you hold your mouse over them they should say what each one is.... there will be one that looks like a mountains and the sun/moon. Holding your mouse over it ... it should say, 'Insert Image.' Click on that and it should prompt you about were you would like to pull your pics from. You can click on 'upload files' That should lead you to a box where you can pick pics from your own computer. I really hope this helps.... I would so love to see some of your chicks.
Due to molting and my Roos.... I had ordered some of these aprons/ saddles for some of my girls. They were just getting bald from over enthusiastic roosters.But now I can take them off... Our party is on Sunday... I will let you know how all the boys tasted. I am going to try at least 3 different methods.... Rotisserie, grill and baked. I may also try a brine... This will be a fun day. And my girls seem way calmer now. Way happier then when they boys were chasing them.
Also, I still have a broody chicken and turkey. Today I gave them both eggs to sit on. Turkey Tia has 7 eggs and my Cuckoo Maran has 6 eggs. These are from a verity of girls. I am hoping some of them will hatch. It should be so fun to have them hatch... especially with a turkey for a caretaker;)


That is so wonderful!!! That is a wonderful color on your egg as well. If I may offer... I made a couple of small holes and blew the insides out of the egg. That way I could save the shell... I know... ;) it was so hard to just eat our first eggs. Again... Congrats!!!
Thanks everyone, I was so excited! I got home from my weekly two days business trip to a very proud boyfriend. It must have taken her completely by surprise because it was just sitting in front of the feeder, he almost stepped on it!

Today I got a very slightly bigger one in their house, she scratched all the hay out of one corner and laid it there. I'm so proud of these nice hard shelled little eggs, it means she's getting close to everything she needs (they are my first birds, so I worry that I'm not getting everything right)

And breaking news, I got a little squat from Tuning this evening too! :woot

So to close on that note, at 6 months and four days old, and one week after starting the squatting business, Jackie gave us her first egg :D

Ssharon, you HAVE to post some pics of those fluff balls!
Cat, I think I will blow the contents out of my first one, its an awesome idea, and maybe fill it with molding clay or something to keep it. But yes, Mel we will probably share a tiny plate of scrambled eggs for Sunday lunch...
Have a lovely weekend everybody! I'll keep you updated on Tuning's evolution :cd
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I got chicks!!!
I will post pics tonight. It looks like the turkey is a better mom;) The first chick from under the chicken was rejected.... painfully. It looks OK but I gave it to the turkey who was happy for it to join her other two. That first chick is half Buff orphington. One is at least half Andalusian. The other I am not sure... It is black so it could be another Andalusian or Cuckoo muran. I will have to look at shells later. There are a few more eggs moving when the Moms let us see...
I'm so Eggcited:)

I got chicks!!!
I will post pics tonight. It looks like the turkey is a better mom;) The first chick from under the chicken was rejected.... painfully. It looks OK but I gave it to the turkey who was happy for it to join her other two. That first chick is half Buff orphington. One is at least half Andalusian. The other I am not sure... It is black so it could be another Andalusian or Cuckoo muran. I will have to look at shells later. There are a few more eggs moving when the Moms let us see...
I'm so Eggcited:)
Thanks jtbass!!! We are all so eggcited here... All my friends have been waiting for this. I was not expecting them till at least tomorrow... and some of them will be tomorrow.... I forgot the eggs were from 2 different days. But I did not think that would matter since they were starting to sit on them at the same time.

This is a half buff orpington. The chicken sitting on these eggs had left... when she came back to a chick she didn't want this chick. I gave it to the turkey who was fine to have it add to her growing brood.

Two had hatched here... I believe a Andalusian and a EE/Americana

Here you can see the little orpington has been accepted. There is one chick toward the bottom of the pic that did not make it. I could see earlier that is was having trouble with the membrane but I was afraid to give the wrong type of help.... There are 4 live chicks here... Before dark I think we had a 5th. Turkey Tia is a Royal Palm Turkey who is very protective of her chicken babies;) I am very proud of her!
There are still a few eggs to go... can hardly wait till tomorrow... I will be out there early to check the girls;)
It looks like the last 3 eggs may not hatch. That is OK with me.... Out of 13 eggs we have 9 chicks. The turkey has 7 of them and the hen Tabitha has 2....I have moved them to nests on the ground. Both moms are keeping all the other chickens away. The pen has a short fence due to other creatures a long time ago. It does not stop adults but is great to hold the chicks to one side of the pen. Less hassle for the moms;) They are stressing over their chicks as it is. I will have more pics later...

Tabitha is a good mom to her 2 chicks... though not to the one she gave up... A cuckoo maran with a blue andalusian and americana chick. You can see only one chick here... better pics later;)
Hi Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited about the eggs! 9 out of 13 is so amazing! Your girls did a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the picture of the turkey.. how cute is that?

How are the chicks doing? Tell us all the breeds of the 9 chicks.. and I want updated pictures!


Thanks Melabella... and yes way cuteness overload Discodog.... we are having way to much fun with this.... I would be thrilled for your help in this guessing game on the chicks. There are a few that I am sure of and others..... not so much. I had 2 Roosters. One was an Americana and the other was a Blue Andalusian. The eggs that hatched were Andalusian, Americana and Buff Oprington. I think my RIR and Marans did not hatch. I did not find all the shells after the hatch. It was only the little Buff Orp that I got to right after she hatched (Yes, I say she to all of them.... I know that is wishful thinking... but I would hate to get rid of any of them)

Turkey Tia with babies... 'lets play on Mom before bedtime!"

The 3 lightest chicks. The one in the foreground I am sure came from a Buff Orpington egg. Due to the markings I am thinking ... Americana father. The one in the background I am thinking pure Americana.... The one in the middle... She may be a light cream but she has a silvery gray cast to her color... So... at least half Andalusian.

Fallowing Mom to bed...

Tabitha with her two chicks. Of these two I am sure the gray is Andalusian. The yellow/orange one was from a blue egg... so at least half Americana... I am thinking full....

You can see 3 of the 4 black ones... I think I have some olive eggers there.... half American and half Andalusian.... We may have to wait on those to see how they feather out....
They are over a week old now... ;) Maybe only 27 more weeks before we see our first eggs from them ;).... LOL
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My seven pullets are 19 wks. old. One of my chicks turned out to be a roo (Ameraucana) and I might rehome him. Anyway, my two R. I. Reds started laying at 17 wks. I wonder if having the roo got them going so young. Then one of the Ameraucanas, a wheaten beauty named Marilyn Monroe, started laying at 18 wks. I am waiting for the other Ameraucana, two Black Austrolorps, and a French Maran that will lay chocolate brown eggs. I also have two hens that are a year old and are very good layers. I'm new at this also - got the two hens last November (they started laying in January) and got the pullets and the surprise roo on Valentine's Day. They were a day old. I'm really having fun with them and loving the wonderful eggs! I have no idea who will start laying next. They all have red combs so I know it will be any day now!

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