Any one with a Austrolorp?

Mine started at 25 weeks.
Now she lays all the time. Her a week or two ago-
Mine started to come in at 5 mo or so. Not all at once though. Sounds like it could be any day. You could increase the protein in her feed.
My ladies started laying at about 5 months old and are faithful and regular layers. Don't give up them yet!
Ours started laying at 24-25 weeks. About 3-4 weeks behind the other breeds. I love our Austrolorps! Beautiful big birds. Ours are kind of shy though. Great dependable layers. When we add more this spring, I want more of 'em.
I got chicks the end of March and they started in July/Aug. I cant remember if the Lopes were late or not but they lay HUGE eggs daily now! You'll be happy with them. I might get more this spring as a matter of fact!
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My BA girl was my first girl to lay. She was just about 6 months. If you got squatting, she's almost ready. My girl did that for 2 weeks before she layed. You'll be having her eggs for breakfast soon!
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Do you use lites? Alot of mine aren't layin cause of the time of year. Mother nature is telling mine to hold off a few more weeks. Another thing to consider with all breeds, the higher the quality, AKA more fluffier the bird, they will not lay as early or as frequent. Their bodies dedicate more energy to being fluffy. My Cochins will lay on a good year 75 eggs or less. All cause their so darn fluffy. Just a few things to consider when your waiting for your first pullet eggs.
My BA started at 24 weeks. The rest of my pullets laid their first egg between 20 and 25 weeks. I didn't know any pullet could lay before 16 weeks. Is she getting between 16 to 20% protein. Some calf manna can jump start her.

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