any one with pigeon eggs?

Right ,
they will get some of the best, most loving pigeons you have ever seen.

I will have some as soon as I know who is hatching and who just layed.
they will be a mix, no guarentees on bree, the mix is
Chocolate Russian Tumblers,
Egyptian fantails
California kings,
White fans
and one wild pigeon who came to enjoy the spoiling.( intergrated after a 2 month quarenteen and a vet visit for parasite load check)
will let you know as soon as I figure out which eggs are which.
I have one hatching right now, in the bator!!!
Yes squeaker need crop milk the first 7 days. Have to be fed every 2 hours at that age.

Yes it can be done, but why risk killing a little pigeon. To get one just as tame you can start hand feeding at 10 days.

Now you can put the eggs under foster parents as long as they hatch after they have been setting 16 days.

A good pr will raise 3, as they dont need to fly far for food.

I may ship eggs to a friend if I knew they would foster the eggs. Ship eggs are a risk, pigeon eggs Would be a bigger risk.

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