Any other hawaiians out there?

Old eggs? You mean, a whole egg - old but not rotten I assume? What kind of trap do you use?

Sorry, didn’t word that right hehe. I have a designated area for the hens to lay their eggs. But once in a while I’ll find a few eggs hidden somewhere else besides their normal laying place. I rule it out as a rotten egg just to be on the safe side, and it goes into the mongoose trap. Easiest bait to catch mongoose. Caught 3 more mongoose since last week, and 1 very big male mongoose this afternoon.
Yes, I have that specific type of trap and I place the uncracked whole egg near the back of the cage. In no time the mongoose will see food, trap will be triggered and less predators for the chickens :)
I read your intro post, where did you get your chickens from? I have been thinking about possibly trying to get some sumatras.
Online very bad Shipping tho I have 3 black and 1 silver I started with 5 each the silver did not do well all 4 died whith in a week and the blacks are violent I have to keep them Separated from each other or else I'll pick at each other until the reach Guts

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