Any other Stephen King fans?

I had forgot about "Salems Lot" and the Movie that was out in the 70's Salems Lot starring David Soul
it gave me nightmares i can still see that little boy hovering at the window scratching on it with his long fingernails!!

Yall have mentioned so many i had forgot "Rose Madder" loved that one read it like 10 times when i bought it and "Needful Things" was another great one.
Sadly my king collection was given away and lost thru the years
I should get another collection going and read them all again and again and again
Hm... of all the single stories........ Bag of bones must be my ABSOLUTE favorite. I almost put it down after the first 50 pages..... then spent the next 24 hours and 4 pots of coffee later reading it. It grabbed me by the toes'ies and I couldn't put it down. there was no dark tower tie in I saw but that story was scary and SICK!!!!!!!!! Just how I like it. Just enough personal anguish, and the characters in it were so well developed that it was like... ok read it!
I don't like clowns either. King tapped into something very frightening when he wrote It.

As any one noticed that his books do have a basic morality running through them?
I'm so glad we have so many King fans.

I collect all his books in hardcover now. In my younger days when I bought them in paperback I have replaced them over the years at Half price books.

I will usually ask for an oldie but goodie for Christmas and usually for $5. I have a gift I love and they didn't have to think to much!

I loved Misery and I wondered how they would do it. The movie is scary, but the book is terrifying.

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