Any Parakeet Owners?

When I was a kid we had two parakeets (not at the same time) that could talk. They said a lot of different words and sentences. One was very tame, wanted to play with us all the time. The other was more of a loner, but a great talker. I just got 4. I don't expect them to get real tame, just enjoy looking at the pretty colors and them playing. They are in a very large parrot cage.
Sounds like you are both getting used to each other just fine. I usually get about 2 weeks of quiet before they start to become comfortable with their new home. Parakeets aren't too bad even at full volumn. Try amazons at sunrise or sunset! I do miss their cute little sing song, they seem like such happy little birdies. Mine actually had his own shallow little bath tub that I would put in the bottom of his cage on really hot days. He made quite a mess, but had fun.

I don't ever expect any of mine to talk, so if they do it is a bonus. I have heard them practice quietly when it is dark in the evening. Expecially with their head stuck in their feed bowl. I often wondered it is echoed better back to them in there?

Post some pictures of him when you have time, I would love to see him and follow his progress.

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