Any Strange Abilities?

I’m pretty sure I’m mildly synesthetic; words have colors/music has shapes for me. I can also speak fluent chicken. My accent is excellent but I have no idea what I’m saying sometimes lol. I can also make my eyes go different directions(not like crossing my eyes, like one is pointing forward and the other to the side), and make them shake 🫨 :)
I can shake my eyes too. I think it's genetic 'cause my cousin can too and I've only met one other person other than her that can.
i have two impressive abilities apparently
i can navigate to any location if i have seen it on a map, passed it once or even if i know a rough landmark to that area (eg a train station)
the other is my ability to sense when a train is coming (big help with railfaning)
That's awesome, and those are very useful!
I'm very good at putting people at ease without knowing them beforehand, as well as on the flip side making someone who is possibly threatening or angry somewhat frightened of me without knowing why. I attribute it to too much time around horses and learning body language that is instinctual but largely forgotten in people.
I can feel when something bad is going to happen. The night before my older dog died, I felt really sad and had a sick feeling. He died of liver failure.
Another time, we were driving home from vacation and I had the same sick feeling in my stomach. When we returned, one of the chickens was dead.
I've gotten that same feeling in multiple situations, but these were some notable ones.

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