Any treatments for (at least what I think) is a very small case of bumblefoot?


Sep 20, 2020
Southern U.S
One of my Ameraucana pullets has a small scab on the bottom of each of her feet.
She isn’t having any trouble walking, they don’t seem swollen, and she has no reaction to me pushing down on the soles of her feet with any amount of pressure.
However, I would like to treat her so that she’ll be in tip top condition for her next show.
It there any way I can treat these scabs that isn’t extreme? Or will I have to scrape them with a sterile blade and add medication? Thanks for the help.

Here she is now with a dirty beard

Here’s the best picture I could get of one of her feet

Here’s one of the other girl’s feet for comparison
That definitely looks like bumblefoot to me, but a very mild case that will likely reverse quickly with treatment (in my personal experience, at least).

I prefer to use essential oils to treat any cases of bumblefoot in my birds - I use a mix of 42 drops fractionated coconut oil (it stays liquid, unlike regular coconut oil, and I find it makes an excellent carrier oil; the essential oils should never be put directly on without being mixed in some sort of carrier oil first), 7 drops lavender essential oil, 7 drops oregano essential oil, and 7 drops tea tree essential oil. I rub this on the affected foot once (or twice, depending on the severity) per day, wearing gloves every time. No wrapping, soaking, or surgery required, though you can also soak with warm water and Epsom salts to speed the process along. This mixture has reversed even very severe infections in my birds. Mild cases will usually recover in a few weeks, in my own experience.

This is just what has worked for me. Others will likely have more suggestions as well. I hope it helps!

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