Any writers out there?

House and family and ranch take priority over ink and paper for me. They shouldn't. I need to find a way to work them in. But I find that if I'm not in the mood to write, it isn't the best work anyway.

But then there are the days when I want to write so badly and someone needs a ride to the city, or the herd needs their toes trimmed, or a pipe bursts, or the hay need brought in. Those days are miserable. Those are the days I wish we had thought to paper technology. I compose all day in my head and it never makes it down.
Geez-o-pete it's been a while since I've "written" anything in this realm of 'writting' of stuff.

My brain is very detailed, the story ideas I have started have mostly evolved from a dream or daydream.
I have a few stories written on notepads in ink -errors and all....

I wished I'd found out what having an editor will cost these days..... Sadly those notepads are missing. I have several ideas stored in my online brain portals. Live journal & dead journal mainly with a few ideas written in the original 'notepad' inside Yahoo email inbox. Some of these ideas have origins in the mid 90's. A few of the fleshed out novel ideas were written while I was an OTR driver trainer in 2004-2006.

Been dealing with the VA the last 18 odd months. Took me 6 months to build the Coop-maj-hall (thread started elsewhere properly; post mortem)

This weekend I got to have fun with natural chemistry. A vinegar cleanse for our well pump assembly. 48hrs +/- to disolve the silica sand & mineral build up. Being a gearheaded g33k makes this procedure kinda fun.
Resisting the urge to follow Alice down that rabbit hole.....

G'night y'all.
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve lost my stories on paper. That’s why I write strictly on my laptop now so I can’t lose them. I like to daydream too. It helps develop character in my opinion. Plus I’s fun.
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If I were to buy a new computer setup Id be going for a Terabyte or more.
I'm not a fan of SSD as the 'only storage. In fact I'm practicing dual backup for over a decade now..... a) 5400/7200rpms drives; b) CD/DVD RW's I made a few mistakes along the way. Painful ones with only 1 backup and that drive had an mbr corruption/fail and I didn't know I could recover the mbr and everything was still there till about a month and a few re-formats later....:barnie

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I was a computer geek back in the 8088 days... and untill Windows took over. My days of writing batch files and swap files are well over. It was fun tinkering back then you didnt have a lifetime of work to loose...

Once a G33k, always and forever a G33k. I'm currently (painfully slowly) relearning Linux. I'm feeling more comfy with a few flavors: Mint, Puppy, & Fedora.... I begrudgingly use Ubuntu from time to time. I'm currently trying to figure out the tweaks to get the QNAP NAS apps to work on both our phones And PC's when not actually in this house. /Facepalm it feels like I'm gonna be the "that adult" a "youngin's" gonna show me the vcr's remote control intro.
Skipping back.

Tv died just before Christmas. I am a techy person BUT Ds and Dh are computer hardware and computer software professor respectively. New 4k tv is far smarter than I am. I can't figure out how to use remote. It does all sorts of things.

I just want to watch Hazel and Father knows Best in the morning dang it!

Now get off my lawn.

Oh and i ditched my systems for chromebooks.
@Oncoming Storm - Thanks for checking in on this thread!

New stories from the coop? Well, we have a neighboring new "baby squirrel" (young enough to be building his very first nest by his lonesome) who has made respectful friends at a distance with the chickens. He doesn't mess with their vittles. Busy every day stripping bark to make the perfect home. The chickens are very displeased by the rain, and generally stay in the coop during this weather. Little bantam girl, Chicken Hawk, prefers to stand in it though and looks like a drowned mess with her wet feathers. She has the same look her dad (a Golden Polish) did when the top of his head would get wet and feathers drooped. The ducks are quite enjoying the rain, and think the standing water puddles are the best. They can't understand why I am trying to get it to drain out. The warm weather has made them very talkative, and they get excited for the new green grasses popping up. The rain brings out the worms, which is even better! We also turned their baby kiddie pool with the holes in it into a mini garden last year that sat outside the coops- something ate all the carrots before they could mature, but this year a single plant has sprouted. We hope to enjoy one tiny Scarlet Nantes. Hope this is a good summary xD
I dabbled in 'soft' sci-fi back in the day, but nowadays I just find myself more drawn to fantasy of various flavors. Thought I suppose there is a lot of overlap between sci-fi and fantasy in general!

I'm considered an essential worker, so my day-to-day business hasn't been affected too much by the Plague. I'm also rather introverted so staying home by myself is nothing new :p. I'm someone who would not fare well were I to catch it though, and I have family members in the same boat, so generally speaking I'm not very happy about the entire situation. At least writing's not a very social activity :p.
It’s nice to know I’m not the only one out there. There’s nothing better than sitting there and creating your own little world on paper.
So far I have not found an editor.... they charge by the word.... I hear.

I am going to first run it by my son Who is very good at grammar and Continuity... Right now My Manuscript is 80,000 Words and I cant figure out how to end it.

If I go back I get drawn into the minutiae as well. Thats why I write in pen and ink and transcribe into the computer Completely as is Warts and all... Except really gross spellings or Character names....

My specialty is writing background creating scenes but not dialogue.... I am getting better but Its not what I would like it to be.

Always learning arent we...


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