Anybody have chicks shipping Monday August 27?

Need some help with my heat lamp please. If I put my thermometer directly under the light it registers about 102, as I move it out it obviously goes down to about 90 6-8 inches away from the direct light. Will that be adequate? Will they find their comfort zone or do I need to worry about the 102 being too high and the outside perimeters being too low?
You should be fine. Only don't put the feeder or water directly under the light.If you can't raise or lower the light you could use a lower watt bulb. Just watch how they react when you first put them in and they should find their comfort zone pretty quickly. Make sure to secure the heat lamp by tying it to something. Don't trust the clamp it could fail and start a fire.
Hope this helps. Enjoy your chicks!
Thanks 1655, here is my current brooder set up, I have pine shavings covered with paper towels which I plan to remove when they are 5-7 days old. Where the thermometer is setting right now (the round thing) its reading about 90 degrees, directly under it was reading 102 earlier. With my last chicks (they were 2.5 weeks old when I got them) I actually clipped the light to a small child's chair that sat outside the brooder and the temp stayed about right. However, the ambient temperature is lower now than it was then, and my hubby has requested that I don't set the chair in the middle of the walk way since we come and go from our cars to the house via that garage. I used the clip that comes with it and then added some extra picture wire around the cord to hopefully keep it from falling, does that sound adequate?

Just checked my order status on Meyer's site and they've already put up the tracking number! It doesn't provide any info yet. Hope everyone's chicks have a safe trip!
Because many of us don't have breeders near us, especially for the breeds we want. There is zero chance of me finding a person who breeds sultans around here, for instance. Or anything, really. All chickens in my area started off as hatchery chicks.
Hey, I just checked Meyer and my order got shipped express instead of priority! Not complaining :D
Woohoo your chicks on on their journey home:) Does anyone know if My Pet Chicken sends out any kind of notice that they shipped? Just went to the site and checked my account and information but nothing has been updated to indicate a shipment.
My Pet Chicken ships from Meyer hatchery too, so your chickies are probably on the way :)

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