Anybody here a libertarian?

I agree that Iraq will go back to the way it was regardless of when we pull out. For all the reasons stated. It's ridiculous the 3 factions can't live together without killing each other but they have a different set of values. Many point out the high percentage of turnout for their elections. Well when you know that your very life hangs on the vote it's a real good incentive to go vote.

As far as Iran goes. There are a lot of different opinions on how close they are to a bomb. Israel who has the most to lose would have us believe it will be tomorrow. Can't blame them for that. The wacko in charge in Iran has vowed to destroy Israel. Over there they keep their campaign promises. We need better intelligence to before we go in and bomb them to death. I'm a lot more concerned about a stray nuke from one of the former USSR states. I have faith in Israel to bomb Iran when they know it's time. I'm also sure we will give them whatever weapon is needed to bust their hardened bunkers.

I don't expect to see a viable 3rd party in my lifetime. People just aren't willing to throw away their vote and allow someone they don't want in office. It seems like a lot of people vote against a candidate instead of for a candidate. In 30 years Obama is the first president I voted for, instead of trying to keep a candidate out.
when i first looked at the thread line real quick i thought you were asking who is a librarian but then when i opened it, i realized differantly.
I'm not sure what i am - other than a "proud" American.
This may be somewhat tangential to the question "Anybody here a libertarian?" but I just have to quietly raise my hand and say that I know I am in the minority with most of the folks on this board, but I am someone who identifies as socially progressive, works in a field where half my clients are either homeless or not far from it, believes in decriminalization of marijuana, is 100% against the death penalty, is 100% for gay marriage. I haven't eaten meat in 16 years and I haven't eaten an egg in 10, and I have chickens so that maybe I will feel okay eating their eggs in 4 months if I can get comfortable with the idea by then. My point, if I have one, is that I appreciate all the perspectives this little forum cultivates. I really do. Thanks BYC.
I believe drugs should be legalized, and then taxed even more than cigarettes are. Look at the war on drugs. We spend millions of dollars, and it all just gets worse. So ya, we bust a lot of people, mostly penny ante users, who then clog up our prison systems, and we get to pay for them for years and years. I dont know about you, but I dont want to pay the next door neighbor pot head's cable and internet bills in the pen. I dont think legalizing drugs will make them more prevalent, maybe even some people will quit once they have to pay taxes on them, and the "thrill" of breaking the law is gone. I just think our money could go for things other than paying for druggies prison needs.

This was the first election ever that scared me. When I heard the results that night, a chill went through me, and it's only gotten worse.

The first thing I think this country needs is to end all forms of welfare except for those physically disabled. And the term "disability" need to be redefined, excluding druggies, drunks and people who "claim" to have mental issues.

Next, secure our borders.

Then, give American business men and women reasons to want to have businesses in this country, bussiness owners are not the enemy, folks.

After those issues are taken care of, we can then move on to issues such as foreign aide, trade, drugs, abortion, gay rights, etc., etc. etc.

Yote, I agree, except I wouldn't overtax anything. The taxes charged
on cigs now is obcene. If we are to work on the premise that items
considered unhealthy be taxed heavily then who gets to choose and
what about all the other things that are bad for us and not taxed.

This has been one of the most peaceful political threads I have
seen on BYC. I'm staying away from the TEA Party thread cause
it's just scary over there. There's this chick from New York
who is ripping out waddles.
You're right purple chicken. I was just ranting about sin taxes, and now here I suggested one. Thanks for calling me to task on that. But I do believe that drugs should be taxed, but I agree it should be no more than taxes on anything else. In fact, I've been looking more and more into the fairtax you have an opinion on that pc?
PC, I have avoided posting in the TEA Party thread also, it seems to be sliding and I'm sure it will not last too much longer. And besides it does not serve anybody well to get into a heated confrontation. I know it is not along the lines of chickens right now but the government strangle hold gets tighter and tighter and IT WILL BE and issue for us BYC folks sooner or later.

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