Anybody lose their unemployment yesterday?

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Lifes going to get a lot harder for us real soon...
Wish the dam union would call with work!!
Food Stamps. No, I did not lose my unemployment, but there are a few options for eating. More important would be how they will make rent/mortgage, heating bills, and things of that nature. I feel bad for folks with that dilemma.
probably get a job. or at least get off my butt and go look for one, that's what I'd do. No I'm sure I won't get one that pays what I used to make but one that pays the bills and learn to live on what I bring in and let less go out the door.
maybe get a roommate, it all helps.
good luck....

I hear there's going to be millions off unemployment in the next few months........... too bad they couldn't push it out to spring....... at least people could stay warm.
How did our grandparents ever survive the Great Depression? Yes, there are going to be individual stories of hardship (I've lost 3 jobs over my career), but collectively is our society that more fragile today? It wasn't that long ago we saw interviews with people in New Orleans not wanting to evacuate because their check from the government was due to be delivered in a few days.

Support Federal policies that put Americans back to work by making it easier for companies here to do business here.

I'm afraid this thread is going to go political very quickly. Over/under number is it will be locked by Saturday.....

why is it sad to get a job and get off our butts. working is the american way, not welfare.
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