Anyone "DUE" the 11th? (lol) CANDLING PICS ADDED PG 2

It's the 21 day mark for me and so far 8 hatched out of 18 and there is 3 Barred rock looking ones and 5 BO looking ones. I don't here anymore tapping on egg shells so maybe thats all but I hope not.
I took my eggs out of the turner tonight!! Hopefully on Thur. or Friday I will have some fuzzy butts
Yes sometimes after they pip they rest. Frustrating I know. I like the quail eggs because they pip and zip and are out fast as can be. It really is amazing
I'm due on the 12th is that close enough. Just moved 9 very active eggs into the hatcher...With one already peeping at me. Wish me luck, something seems to always happen at this point to cut my hatches back. And tonights gonna be a bad one as for some reason today I have had the worst time regulating both incubator and hatcher. The last 3 weeks the incubator has been fine then today it decides to go wacky on me, and the hatcher, that is usually easy to build humidity in decides it doesn't want to go above 55% with all channels full and 3 soaked sponges around under the wire...Finally climbed when I added a wet washcloth but then had to open the vents a little more because it was climbing over 70%.
Hope these little guys hatch they are pretty active right now, bouncing around in their shells...
one of my australorps has pipped. I was surprised to see it. A lot of the eggs are moving now compared to earlier.

Anyone else have any action yet?
4 hatched, most of the rest pipped.
there was one that hadn't moved or anything for about 12 hours, and when I woke up and looked this morning, it made the loudest screeching noise, so I guess it is alive and kicking!

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