Anyone else a Doctor Who fan???

I just started watching. BBCA has been going through the series from the beginning of Eccleson and on. I love going through a series one episode a day. They are currently part way through season 4 (Donna) and there's nothing more on the schedule! They had better not be stopping now!

Torchwood is also a new fave of mine. :eek:)
My son and Husband are watching right now! I love who been watching since the Tom Baker days, grew up on it.
*trips on 20-foot scarf* Yep, fan here. A few days ago, when DD was playing Spore, we all cracked up when the TARDIS went cruising through the game. I guess someone involved in game design must be a fan as well!

Yeah I've only watched the 9th and up. the old ones i find boring... maybe i should watch the tom baker ones, everyone seems to like them.

Martha: We're going the wrong way!
Doctor: No we arn't! *pause* We're going the wrong way!
Another fan here. David Tennant is by far my favorite Doctor.. He also plays a great Hamlet with Patrick Stewart and an interesting vampire hunter in the remake of Fright Night.

Matt Smith is doing a good job but I'm not overly thrilled with Amy as a companion. Rory is okay though.
I've only seen David in Harry Potter, so I don't have much to compare but he's one of my favorite actors. you have to be a good actor to be on my list of good actors (I'm and actress (I wish I could just say actor...) so I like to sort of study other actor's acting styles.)

I personally think Amy is the best companion. she's not overly dramatic or so in love with the doctor or annoying. but I can see how people might not think she's the best companion, though. Rory is awesomely hilarious!
Wow. This thread was started 4 years ago. I will add like the rest of you, though, we are big who fans. Of the older doctors, Tom Baker was great. Of the new, nothing beats Tennent. DD loves him. And I agree, his other works are great, too. Hamlet was great and we liked Fright Night, too.

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