Anyone else decide not to have children... R U treated differently?

Exactly! I want to be Cool Aunt Sarah, and take everyone's kids to the zoo, out for ice cream, the mall, the movies, etc. I'd rather be a someone that they can hang out with and confide in, than be the stern parental figure.
@~rosecityfarmgirl~@ :

Exactly! I want to be Cool Aunt Sarah, and take everyone's kids to the zoo, out for ice cream, the mall, the movies, etc. I'd rather be a someone that they can hang out with and confide in, than be the stern parental figure.

My Aunt/Godmother in Norway still takes me out when she's stateside, and sends me birthday money every year (I'll be 30 next year), because she can afford to and wants to - mainly because she doesn't have kids. I adore her because she spoils me rotten - STILL
I don't have any human children either. I'm thirtyeight and through the years have felt bad about it, and I don't want kids. But people think your a freak, they hate you, like they are jealous of your free time.They just don't get it. And explaining my feeling on it is long winded, do they really care to hear anyway. My reasons in the beginning were I never felt I could trust a guy to stick around and be a father. Financially I've worked at alot of low paying jobs so I felt like I'd be depriving a child of better and I was content in the way life was. I've been married twice, my second husband is older and has paid his child bearing debt to society. he is also sick with cancer so what a life that would be for a kid. Of course the way I was raised is the whole thing too. I'm the youngest of seven kids from two emotionally void parents. For me kids equal poverty, but thats just me I'm not condemning other parents or anything. I think it is wonderful when I see two people raising a child they want and you can tell the people that do. They are joyed with everything that their child does to the point other people want to puke, but if it was me I most likely be the same. Now I'm still glad I never had kids, I would hope people would think it through seriously before having a child. There is no hurry nowadays, and shame on the people that make women feel lessthan for not wanting children. For some having kids is way to save a bad marriage, in the long run it doesn't really work. I'm sure my parents would not be toghether if it wasn't for having kids.

I know I've severed friendships because I didn't fit in with the group after they all had kids. And people tend to exclude the nonparent anyway after conversations start and they realize your not interested in having children. When the kids are young that your friends have they seem to think if they throw the kid on you that your just going to run home and want to get pregnant.

I love it when teenagers say" I want a baby, I want someone to love me". To that I say, get a dog. At least they will be happy to see you everyday, Even when they are older. They are not likely to run into their dog house embarrassed to be seen with you like a teenager. But applause to the people who want kids and who can afford and enjoy it.
I read your quote as Aunt/Grandmother and was gonna ask you a personal question about your family tree! LOL

People don't hassle me about why I never had kids. They just say "good call" and leave it at that, LOL.
It amazes me that people ask such a question! I have a twin sister (she doesn't have kids and I have two, we are age 54) and a lot of times when we go out together - flea markets, shopping etc - We always get the "are you two twins?"
then the questions get more personal - "how come you had kids and she didn't?"
I could come up with some choice questions for them too, but I'm not rude.
You know something related to this subject has been on my mind alot recently. I have two grown children and my DH has two grown children.
Having said that, I DON'T LIKE KIDS. I'm not sure when I came to this realization. I suspect it was around the time of my hysterectomy 16 years ago.
I want to get a sign for the front door that says "Pets welcome. Children must be leashed" but DH won't let me.

If I had known german shepherds were so much better than kids, I would have had them first and instead.

If a couple decides that they don't want kids, it's nobodys business but their own and I would do some brainstorming to come up with a sarcastic response to those that stick their nose in my business.
While I do have two kids, I was never the girl who loved babysitting or dreamed about having a family some day. I always very firmly said I did not want children. I also was never one to play with dolls but I had a bunch of stuffed animals that were my constant companions. After I got pregnant with my first son (surprise!!!), I decided I wanted to have at least one more. We are now looking into adopting because I would like to have more children but I do not care for babies. I do not volunteer to hold babies, I don't coo over them, in fact they often take one look at me and burst into tears (not kidding, they really do). They are cute sometimes, but it doesn't make me want to have more of them. I do like kids now though (well, I like my own anyway). If my first son hadn't been conceived against great odds, I don't think I would ever have intentionally had kids. Nothing wrong with that, it's just a different way of life.
My oldest daughter cant have children due to fibroid tumors. She recently had to have a partial hysterectomy. People always ask when she is going to have children. I know it bothers her but I tell them she does and I have 2 granddogs. I get them christmas presents just like I do the other grandkids. I know people dont mean to be rude they just dont think. When people ask just tell them you do they just happen not to look like most peoples.
my brother & his GF don not want any! I am kinda sad but i realize they would probally be horrible parents. They game all day & their house is super gross!

Now on another note, my daughter never wants them! She always says it & even goes as far as saying,"I don't want my body to be messed up & fat" YEP, she went there!!!!
And i would like to add, " I HATE HER FOR NOT WANTING ANY!!!" guess i will never be a gp until my boys grow up
PotterWatch, I'm a lot like you. Although the kids were not a surprise, if I couldn't have had them I would have been disappointed, not devastated. Babies hold very little interest for me, the only start to become interesting when the start interacting. And every baby hates me, they all cry when I hold them.

There are as many reasons for having children as there are for not. I've been married for 23 years and my oldest child is 12. It took us a long time to come around to being sure about children. Most family and friends assumed that we weren't going to have any.

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