Anyone else doing the "chick wait"?

That has GOT to be have your order keep getting pushed back! I'm Sorry that is happening to you!
They will be worth the wait! Hang in there!

YES!!!! I ordered two, a Speckled Sussex and an Americuna on Feb 18th from a local farm store. I missed the March 3rd delivery date. I called mid March to check on the April delivery date and was told the Sussex hadn't hatched so my order was pushed out until April 21st. I can't wait to get them but geeezzz, it's taken FOREVER. They better be cute!
Yay, I got mine today!!!!

I can't believe I got them so fast! This is the third time I've ordered from My Pet Chicken, and they haven't usually arrived until at least Wed (hatching on Mon). I was a little worried, though. I got an email from MPC, stating that some of the breeds I wanted were going to be in short supply. For some reason, when I ordered, I put "no substitutions". Not sure why, I usually will put something down. They said they would call me, if I needed to make a substitution. Anyway, I never received a call from them, and when I picked my chicks up this am, I got all the breeds I wanted. They are so stinking cute! I forget how tiny they are!!!!! So far, everyone is happy and active. I got 2 Red Stars, 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, 1 Black Jersey Giant, and 1 Ancona. Pics coming soon!!
CONGRATS! Enjoy them...they get big SO fast! Everyday when I see mine they look like they grew over night!
It is REALLY hard to wait! That happened to me last year...I waited too long to order so I was going to have to wait forever, it wasn't going to be a good time to raise chicks! So I waited until this year and got my order with the breeder in early.
Don't worry, I know people have been waiting longer than me, but these are my first chickens and it took me a year to get my parents on board with it. She wouldn't let me have them at first, but some local poultry 4-H people convinced her. Thank goodness for them!
OMGosh they are so cute! They grow like weeds! I swear mine grow overnight....take lots of pics as they grow!
April 18th is arrival day! 25 screaming and peeping little hens of different breeds. No Roos Just a bunch of you know whats raising havoc on us. Our coop is built, the run is fenced, the rain barrel waterer is ready to go, a really fancy gate with lattice webbing greets them in the Taj Mahal when they are ready. We are jumping up and down with excitement so much, we gotta go pee half the time! We bought 2 ducks 2 weeks ago and they are huge already!
Every morning they want fresh water and food. What a trip! The best to ya and good luck!

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