Anyone else doing the "chick wait"?

They are precious!
Do you know what the different ones are?

The third one in the picture is a Lavender Orpington. I ordered Lavender Orpingtons, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and Araucanas.Not Easter Eggers but true Araucanas.I got them from Chicken Scratch Poultry out of Illinois. I am VERY happy with them. All of the Araucanas are rumpless. A few of the Araucanas have tufts. The breed standard calls for tufts, however I prefer no tufts. I am not planning to show or breed them. I would highly recommend Chicken Scratch Poultry! They arrived VERY healthy and vigorous despite being in the mail 2 days. None of them have shown lethargy or far They peck each others eyes alot which is really bothering me. Is this normal?
Well, it's been a week since we got our silkies, and 5 days since we picked the rest of the flock up from the feed store, and everyone is doing well.

Here's our EE, a golden comet, and a blue and black silkie.


It was warm enough the other day to let them forage for a few minutes. My 3 and a half year old made sure they stayed out of trouble.

3 are speckled sussex and 2 are "aracauna" - easter eggers.

I picked up 4 of my EEs from Orscheln's and they were labeled as Ameraucanas. I picked up one more from our local feed store and they were labeled as Araucanas. I guess it just depends on what hatchery they get them from that decides which way they are improperly labeled.
Mine come in... *sob* August. August. This is only because I asked my dad to change the order weeks ago...WEEKS AGO... but he never did it...they could have come in May.
OK, this makes me feel better. :p Up until now I've been feeling rotten looking at everyone else's chicks arriving and thinking of how many weeks until June 11th when mine are due to hatch. We could have had them earlier except my DH wanted particular colors. And, I'll enjoy them more when grad school is done for the term. But still. Waiting is hard.

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