Anyone else doing the "chick wait"?

We are jumping up and down with excitement so much, we gotta go pee half the time!
Aw I MISS the chick wait! I let myself keep the last two we hatched but now we've reached bursting point lol so we can't hatch any more - they'd all be cross breeds we wouldn't be able to get rid of :( oh to be checking a mama hen every few hours or staring into the window of an incubator *sigh*
Aw I MISS the chick wait! I let myself keep the last two we hatched but now we've reached bursting point lol so we can't hatch any more - they'd all be cross breeds we wouldn't be able to get rid of
oh to be checking a mama hen every few hours or staring into the window of an incubator *sigh*
I can see myself getting to that point as well! I have just started out with 16 chicks. I was only going to keep the hens....NOW I am kinda thinking I might hatch some chicks.......chicken math for me has begun!
I decided to wait for my order to ship until after college let out for the semester. May 14th is hatch date from MPC. I'm having the hardest time waiting.

It is SO hard.....once they come in the time goes so fast. I am working on the coop AND growing chicks at the same time.....I wouldn't really recommend doing that, I wish I had it all together when they got here. I can't believe mine are 3 weeks old already! They grow so fast it is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate chicken math lol. We started with 12 straight run barred rocks from TSC then decided we needed to make sure we had hens so we went back and got 6 pullets; 3 BO and 3 reds. Then our neighbor said the local feed store had Americaunas so we went to check them out but they were gone and we missed the next order deadline so we put in an order for the next delivery after that for May 30th. We had to order 25 chicks minimum so in a month and a half I'll get 15 CornishX, 5 Americauna/EE, and 5 NJ Giants. I keep telling myself that I'm not keeping 43 chickens and at least half will end up in the freezer after a couple months but that doesn't make me feel any better lol. But I'm still anxious for my EE's and NJG's to arrive
I'm new and on chick wait:) Mine will be hatched June 4, from mypetchicken
Getting 2 Astrolorps, 2 buff orpingtons, 2 speckled sussex and 2 silver wyandottes
cant' wait, my first chicken experience tho my grandfather raised them for years

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