Anyone else doing the "chick wait"?

You can count me in for a shipment of Buffs to arrive this week! Have the jitters all over again. It has been 8 weeks since the first shipment was received. Have to receive the e-mail notification that they are on their way first. Off to get the brooder set up again for the new arrivals and then wait . . .

Who else is on the list for deliveries this week?
My 14 a variety) should be shipped on 4/25 Wednesday and arrive (fingers crossed) Friday 4/27. Will be coming from Ideal. Ordered from them 4 years ago and had 5 healthy, happy girls that layed very well. My two remaining, Buff Brahma and Astraulorpe, are still fine and laying one-a-day faithfully. It is like waiting for Christmas when I was a child. The best feeling and not only involves me, but my whole family. Good luck on yours! Oh Happy Days!
We have friends hatching chicks for us, they should hatch on Mother's Day & I cannot wait! We have 6 hens & this will be our first venture with babies.
They're hatching
12 Americaunas
6 copper marans
6 wheaten marans
The green eggs & the super dark brown eggs look sooooo pretty!!!
so excited!!!!
Well, we found a replacement for the little one that did not make it. We found 2 Bantam Frizzle Cochen's. So we lost on big one and got 2 small ones. Yea for chicken math
It Is Amazing how Fast you can get attatched to those adorable little chicks.. Always so sad to lose one .. But very common .. In the very beginning I think they are just really fragile .. Luckily they toughen up pretty quick ! Sorry about your chick

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