Anyone else hatching 6/25? Chicks are here!

I have a few batches hatching between the 25th and the 26th. 31 eggs in the bator, 10 more shared between 2 broody EE bantams.
Eggs in the bator are cochins, and mixed breed bantams and the ones under the hens are serama and 1 EE egg. Last hatch in the bator resulted in 9 dead fully formed babies so I hope this time around is better. Good luck to everyone on their hatches
What cute babies everyone! I am still hanging in there, but I am getting more nervous as I get closer. I candled the two remaining goose eggs last night, and still see no movement, although the eggs are almost completely dark except for the air cells. I am on day 22 today.
To all the people just joining us...
Welcome to our hatching thread!

kcardella - I think it's a good sign that your goose eggs are dark. I tried to candle my pea egg last night & all I could see was a big dark egg. No movement. But the air cell looks good & I think the baby's okay in there! We'll end up with our big chicks this hatch, you'll see. Waiting the extra week is difficult, though.
I'm just trying to keep my hands off the eggs and my eye off the temp monitor.
That's where the chicks come into play. I have month-olds & 2-week-olds. I take them out & hold them & play with them. My silkies are , by far, the calmest. The BRs are the craziest, and my little Mille Fleur is the silliest. She's so small, but she's older... completely feathered almost. She watches the other chicks - like they're not worthy of being in there with her. She mostly hangs out with the 2 silkies. Must be a feathered-foot thing!
Good luck with your hatches, everyone...
Keep us updated!
Thanks for the welcome! I am a new member and have eggs ready to hatch on the 25th...the incubator holds 41 eggs and it is full! I will be candling again Thursday evening and will probably have to discard a few of them as I was rather unsure when I first candled at 7 days. There were a few that seemed altogether clear and not fertile, but, oh well, what's a couple few more days to make sure? I just loaded my other incubator this evening but it is not full as I have to save some space for my pheasant eggs because they take a couple days longer to hatch. The eggs I have loaded in both bators are mostly silkies with some bantams and pheasants eggs for good measure. I have only incubated once before and my little chicks are in the brooder downstairs. I have 11 little bantam chicks and 1 pheasant chick and 2 little pea chicks! I need all the help that I can get!!!

I love reading about all y'all's chicks! And the ones I have seen - cute! I need to get some Silkies... it's on my want list. And yeah, having chickies while incubating makes it a lot easier. I have two D'uccles that are a blast. They have to be the friendliest chicks I have raised so far. I just hold out my arm, and they'll hop right on!


There's my little Blue Mille Fleur D'uccle roo named... Blue, lol . He's gotten a lot bigger since I took this picture a week or so ago. He's crowing too. XD
Does anyone have any new updates?
We have just over a week to go!

Now that we're down to the final stretch, how are things going for everyone?
I started with 6 peafowl eggs. 5 were scrambled... one is developing.
I started with 29 chicken eggs. (14 shipped & 15 local) 3 local eggs were infertile, 2 local eggs had blood rings, and one shipped egg was culled "on accident" - I thought I saw a blood ring, but there was a chick.
So that leaves me with 24 eggs in the 'bator.
1 pea egg
3 local white eggs
7 local brown eggs
11 shipped silkie eggs
2 shipped EE eggs
Only 6 more days of turning - then I'll candle again and lock down the 'bator. It's peafowl day #20/chicken day #13. It's been a long 3 weeks!
Nothing new to report. Started with four Pilgrim goose eggs. Two never developed, and two are hanging in. I am not that optimistic since it seems goose eggs are VERY fickle, and I have not seen any defiinite movement, but I will stay to the end! I will stop turning on Friday (day 27), and crank up the humidity. Hopefully I will be surprised!
Right now, I have no updates. However, tomorrow is day 14 for me, and I'll be candling. I hope to have good news then. I still can't believe it - in a week I could be a momma! Eeeeek! We are almost there everyone!

Paganbird, I am pullin' for you and your eggies! I'm doing the same for you kcardella, I want something of your goslings to hatch for you so bad!

OK, I don't know about everyone else, but am already thinking about what I want to put in next time. My mom really wants some guineas. I'm dying for some Australorps and some Mille Fleur D'uccle for my little guy I posted a picture of earlier. What about y'all?
Well, tomorrow is when I candle again too and I can't hardly wait. I actually have 2 incubators going right now, the second one I candle for the first time this Sunday. I hope to get a lot of little silkies and some more pheasants from my hatch. It is so addicting!
Okay.. so... our power is back on now.
It went out a little after 9pm. We've been having brown-outs all day. I took my incubator to my mom's house in case we lose power again through the night. (Mom lives in town - her power never seems to go out.)
I guess I'll go get the eggs again in the morning. I'm going to try to get some sleep.
I can hardly wait for these eggs to hatch. I need a break from being a broody for a while!
One week to go!

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