anyone else stopped eating chicken now that you raise them?

I didn't like chicken all though my teen years and my 20s. Had nothing to do with being bothered by eatting them, I just really hated chicken and turkey. Now duck or pheasant or quail I was in heaven. I like it now and although I can't eat it if it has a name.........................I can eat the nameless.

Only reason I haven't eatten any of my own is due to not being able to clean and process them and I'm only rebuilding my stock, neighbor has a cousin who processes, so once I start culling I'll be sending them to him. Not all culls mind you, but too many roos or bad quality and they go.

Just pulled out leftover fried chicken for my DGD for lunch. She loves the chickens, but if one seems mean to her she says we should eat it. only store bought chicken in the fridge though.
We eat chicken (but never let them know that) and the nicest thing is that our chickens taste like... er... chicken.

Chickens from the supermarket taste like... er... like that Quorn/Tofu stuff that tastes of nothing but is supposed to taste of chicken - a self-fulfilling prophecy from the marketing gurus.

Our chickens eat our chickens, our fish eat our chickens, the fish eat each other, our chickens eat our fish, we eat our fish, the only missing link to complete the circle is the chickens and fish eating us - give them time and they'll figure it out.

Hold on there's someone pecking at the door......
Me too, no reason to hide!

I am hiding because the "more chicken" that I have been eating are my extra roos and I dont think the OP wanted to know that.
i'm having chicken for dinner tonight, but i dont eat my own chickens. however, i always make sure not to talk about eating chicken around my flock, and i make sure they dont see chicken on the grill or anything. by the way, im not crazy! lol
I eat just as much chicken. Lately, ones that I raised.

I do share my cooked chicken with my laying hens. They agree that they taste great. KFC had their breast cancer fund raiser so I felt obligated to buy two buckets of their chicken too. Original recipe please.
My wife is on her way to pick up our chicken dinners right now. We don't do Kentucky Fried though since we have Uncle Nicks. If the colonel had his recipe he'd be a general by now. That's their slogan lol.
Me too, no reason to hide!

I am hiding because the "more chicken" that I have been eating are my extra roos and I dont think the OP wanted to know that.

I bought 15 chicks as roos just for that reason, again - no reason to hide!
I just got four chickens this spring to raise for eggs and for fun. I haven't eaten chicken in over 30 years. The interesting thing though, is that my partner, who is a carnivore, is now concerned about how the chickens were treated while they were living.

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