anyone else stopped eating chicken now that you raise them?

i don't raise chickens, but i raise duckies and i would never ever eat a duck. i yell at my dad when he talks about culling my drake cuz he doesn't like that he stands on top of my hen to mate... needless to say my dad doesn't talk about my Duckie boy anymore

ETA: IF i raised chickens i doubt i could eat chicken anymore. but i don't have a love for chickens like you crazy chicken lovers LOL i loves me waterfowl friends
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I have been ok with eating chicken until I bought a whole frozen chicken last week (our girls are for eggs only!). I was cleaning it out and rinsing it and just happened to stand it up on end with it's little wings poking out. Found myself getting a bit choked up about it. Was thinking about Opal's sweet face while spicing up the chicken. Tried not to be weird about it, but it didn't taste very good after getting out of roaster. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones?
I haven't touched chicken since July,before I raised them. Now that I have them and are probably getting more, I can barely look at chicken.
I am a wimp......
omg I am so glad to hear I am not the only one! I can't even look at the ones going around on the spits in our deli's, it makes me ill. All I see are my little chickens spinning
I'm crazy I know, but I don't really care.
Nope. We don't eat much meat anyway, just cut some chicken up into alfredo pasta tonight. I do wish I could raise my out meatbirds though.

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