Anyone else trying to lose weight or get healthier?

I'm trying to get back into walking up and down the driveway (it is very long). I used to be able to do three miles easily, but today I found myself pretty much out of breath with a fraction of that.
Though, the fact that I was carrying a bantam rooster all the way probably wasn't helping. Zapraska is just so mellow and easy to cradle... he makes nice company, as does my friendly guinea.
Zapraska! What a unique name! Does it mean something? How did you come up with it?

Good for you for doing some walking!

When we lived in Vancouver we had a driveway (a long one!) that climbed about 40˚. That's where I got my exercise. Tougher in the winter when I'd slide backward 4 steps for every step forward.

Wishing you great success with it!
Thank you!
"Zapraska," is the Slovak word for, "roux" -- the thickener in a soup or stew. He was about that color as a chick, and I was naming that year's batch after food items (despite the fact that I don't slaughter my birds).
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I didn't do my workout program this week. I live in northern Ohio and we had beautiful weather all week. I will be stuck inside soon enough for the winter. So I took my weimaraner puppy for a walk every day after work. We walk about 3 miles or more. He loves to be let loose in a huge field and "hunt" the grasshoppers that jump up when he runs!


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3-miles out in the open air sounds good to me! Bet you're active through the day as well.

Beautiful dog! But I thought Weimaranerrs were silvery grey.

Weims actually come in two colors, both recognized by the AKC. Silver and blue. My guy is the blue color. You will only see the silver in shows though, some people believe the blue is a fault. Both colors can compete in all events except shows
I use It is free. If you want ad free, there is a cost, but I use the free version. You start out filling out current weight and height. What your goal is by a certain time. They will not allow you to set more than 2 lbs. A week goal. They give you a calorie range to stay in. You track what you eat and try to stay in your range. Once your favorites are set up, tracking is easy, particularly on the phone app. You can choose to have them tell you what to eat, but I don't do that. They recommend small changes. Exercise? Can you do something for 10 minutes? That is where I started. I am 45 lbs. Lighter so far. About 30-35 lbs. Left to go. I love the articles, motivation, joining challenges and teams. It is a great community.
I am not on a diet, but after I stopped eating carbs, I don't crave carbs. I drink water instead of cola, I also don't use sweeteners. I rarely eat sweets like cookies or ice cream and never cakes. No breads, I don't cook my husband does. And some days I only eat 2 meals. I do eat meat. I try and break a sweat every day, hikes, pickleball. I have been playing pickleball since April really have not lost a lot of weight, but I go mostly by how I feel. Now with pickleball ending I have ski season coming up. I am 54.
Weims actually come in two colors, both recognized by the AKC. Silver and blue. My guy is the blue color. You will only see the silver in shows though, some people believe the blue is a fault. Both colors can compete in all events except shows

Didn't know that. I've only ever seen the silver ones. Strong impressive dogs!

Exercise? Can you do something for 10 minutes? That is where I started. I am 45 lbs. Lighter so far. About 30-35 lbs. Left to go. I love the articles, motivation, joining challenges and teams. It is a great community.

Good to know! I'll check SparkPeople out. ...though I connect on 5:2 forums because the folks there are approaching weight loss the same way I am.

VERY impressive that you've already lost so much weight! Speaks to the effectiveness of your community! ...and, of course, your own determination and discipline!

I've lived a very sedentary life for the most part. I also started out with 10 or 15 minutes a day on the stationary bike. Gotta start somewhere! Now I do the bike for 45 minutes a day and do 30 on the treadmill and about 20 on a Pilates Reformer. I LOVE the Reformer 'cause you can do just about anything you could do in gym and do it without all the load on your joints. At my age, respecting my joints is a very big deal!

I am not on a diet, but after I stopped eating carbs, I don't crave carbs. I drink water instead of cola, I also don't use sweeteners. I rarely eat sweets like cookies or ice cream and never cakes. No breads, I don't cook my husband does. And some days I only eat 2 meals. I do eat meat. I try and break a sweat every day, hikes, pickleball. I have been playing pickleball since April really have not lost a lot of weight, but I go mostly by how I feel. Now with pickleball ending I have ski season coming up. I am 54.

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Wish I could give up my lifelong love affair with carbs! I'm doing Keto so I've cut them out but I suspect I'll miss them the rest of my life. But I can't deal with them. Just a taste is enough to get me out of control again.

Diet sodas -- all sodas -- were the first thing I gave up probably 6 or 8 years ago now. I got mad at the idea of what sweetened water was costing and refused to buy anymore. Once I got them out of my system I was motivated to eat better too.

I'm jealous that you can ski! It used to be my big love. ...especially night skiing when the crowds were gone and everything was soooooo silent. LOVED it! And when we lived in Vancouver we could just decide on a whim after dinner that we felt like skiing and be on the slopes in 15 minutes. From Los Angeles it's a major 3-4 day commitment as you spend a day getting to the Sierra slopes and a day getting back. We did it over Christmas but it was tough to get in more.

About 10 years ago I broke my knee. It's repaired but I'm missing several bursa so I have nothing cushioning impact. Had to give up skiing. You have a wonderful time out there for me! And have a cup of hot cocoa. Almost as much fun as skiing was coming in cold and grabbing a hot mug and just hanging onto it. KWIM? :celebrate

Glad there's so much activity again. Nothing like company when you know you're on a long road!
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