Anyone else w "designer eggs" (aka mutts) in the bator? What kind?

Oh my goodness, I have 5 from her under a broody right now. She sent me 6 from the last swap, but Buffy broke one of them after a couple of days. I would love any kind of blue...(hopefully a hen though)
Ive got mutts..on day 1. some are from a blue hen and a red rooster(any idaes what they are?), 3 are from a 1/2 bb red and 1/2 rir hen (the little brown one under the shelf) and fathered by a white silkie(in the far right of the picture). Some my mother in law found in the neighbors

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I am just about to have some mutts incubating. My first attempt at hatching. I had one special roo who was killed so I am hatching (errr....trying to hatch) all my last potential fertile eggs. He was a Golden Campine. The hens are White Leghorn, Rhode Island red, Gold Laced Wyandotte, Easter Egger, and Red Sexlink.
I have 12 mutts on Day TWENTY!

These chicks come from:
Japanese bantams
and several other bantam breeds....

Who KNOWS!!!!!!!!!

I have 15 "designer chicks" from Dipsy Doodle Doo ( I can't wait to see all those NN cuties!).....and 20 something of my own. Mine are: Roosters Giant Blue Cochin & Red Sexlink. Hens: Black Austalorp, GLW, Buff Brahma, Giant blue Cochin.
I have 6 bantam Dominique X bantam Frizzle Silky!! Hopeing for frizzled Dom's!!!

I hatched some Australorp X black Cochins-- Godzilla chicks!!

Good Luck, everyone!!

Maybe we'll both get frizzled dom's! NO MoRE UsinG the word MUTT! They are officially "designer chickies". I love it! We are all going to have to coin that word. Mutt sounds so derogatory. I cant wait to see what comes out of our crazy mixes. Everyone post pics!! I am now on day 14! The excitement is building!
I have 19 mutts in the bator at day 19, with one peeper!
wyandotte, ameraucana, japanese bobtail,Jungle fowl, cochin, polish crested, leghorn, and many more were the original basis for these mutts... third or fourth generation mixes, eggs all brown, blue or green .
I call my flock "Dunslavins" ( name of the farm)
I apparently also have frizzle polish cooking under some hens at "yellowdragon"'s house. How am I gonna sneak those past my husband?

Perfectly Polish...I cant wait to compare ours. Sounds like we have similar mixings in our eggies!

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