Anyone elses Muscovy do this?

Both my muscovy drakes get excited, sigh, and come running over when I go near: just like your boy. But only one of the two, Daffy, wants petting. O Pato wants me to talk to him but no touch. Daffy is the duck who has been with me longest -- mine are all rescues and rehomes -- but he is not the oldest. He is, however, the alpha male. He thinks being alpha male extends to me and will peck my ankles if I am busy and do not stop and pet him. He is an intelligent bird, he knows it hurts and that he is not allowed to bite my ankles, but he does it anyway. If I sit down on a cinder block and pet him, he is in ecstacy: he will rest his head on my knee or shoulder, depending on where I am sitting. O Pato just wants me to sit down and talk to him: he likes to jump up above me [often on the bee hives when I sit infront of the shed, beside the beehives: he is not phased by bees coming and going below him].
Both my muscovy drakes get excited, sigh, and come running over when I go near: just like your boy. But only one of the two, Daffy, wants petting. O Pato wants me to talk to him but no touch. Daffy is the duck who has been with me longest -- mine are all rescues and rehomes -- but he is not the oldest. He is, however, the alpha male. He thinks being alpha male extends to me and will peck my ankles if I am busy and do not stop and pet him. He is an intelligent bird, he knows it hurts and that he is not allowed to bite my ankles, but he does it anyway. If I sit down on a cinder block and pet him, he is in ecstacy: he will rest his head on my knee or shoulder, depending on where I am sitting. O Pato just wants me to sit down and talk to him: he likes to jump up above me [often on the bee hives when I sit infront of the shed, beside the beehives: he is not phased by bees coming and going below him].
awwwe same with quackers! he nibbles when i stop petting him

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