How long until my Muscovies lay?


Art & Animals
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Jul 31, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I have found a couple round nest-like indentations in my Muscovies' bedding. Does that mean they're going to lay soon? How long do you think it will be? They are 8 months old now.

Also, do golf balls work to fool Muscovies into laying in a certain spot like it does with chickens? Or do I need to get something larger and/or more realistic?
Mine haven't started laying yet. I also find that for a few weeks anyhow, if not a bit longer, the eggs aren't fertile. Since you're a bit south of me, I should think they would start soon for you.

I've never tried to 'fool' mine. Just let them do what comes naturally! :)
Look what I found in the duck coop today!! I knew it! Winona has been acting differently lately, going off by herself away from the other ducks and letting me pet her and pick her up. I think this has to be hers.

Look what I found in the duck coop today!! I knew it! Winona has been acting differently lately, going off by herself away from the other ducks and letting me pet her and pick her up. I think this has to be hers.

View attachment 3772019
Well congratulations. That's a beautiful big tan egg, perfect for French toast. Amazon has fake goose eggs that size. Just paint 'em with a used tea bag and they're identical. Here in the warm South, mine took to laying at 5mo 2weeks. They laid everyday for 5 weeks, became moody and broody, then quit. :hmm
Well congratulations. That's a beautiful big tan egg, perfect for French toast. Amazon has fake goose eggs that size. Just paint 'em with a used tea bag and they're identical. Here in the warm South, mine took to laying at 5mo 2weeks. They laid everyday for 5 weeks, became moody and broody, then quit. :hmm
Huh...they quit for good? Did you collect the eggs every day?

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