Anyone ever litter train kittens??


Jul 8, 2021
Central NJ
We have 3 almost 4 week old kittens, mom cat is still grooming them. I have put out 2 different little pans and i have tried to put them in it. When i put the kittens into the litter pan, they climb right out… Can anyone please help me idk what else to do
Your kittens may still be too young. But by 8 weeks if you put them in the litter box & move their front paws in a digging motion through the litter, they should "get it". Good luck!😸
We have 3 almost 4 week old kittens, mom cat is still grooming them. I have put out 2 different little pans and i have tried to put them in it. When i put the kittens into the litter pan, they climb right out… Can anyone please help me idk what else to do
Kittens usually don’t start using the litter box until 4-5 weeks and it will usually take another week or two for them to get the hang of it. I’d leave a shallow pan of litter in their area from now on and see what happens. They should start using it once they are ready. If they haven’t started using it at all by 8 weeks you may need to intervene but that’s very rare.
Do make sure you are using non clumping litter though as young kittens often try to eat it and the clumping kind will cause stomach blockages if eaten.
As groose as this will sound. It works like a charm. As stated above sometimes they are not quite ready but it seems work work the best foe me.

Use a shallow box, pan foe a litter box. Take some poo from thw kittens and put in the litter. Show the kittens the poo. Let them smell it.

Also if thw do their business somewhere else, i use that poo put it in the litter then... Immediately put them in the litter. This also helps teach them where to go
As groose as this will sound. It works like a charm. As stated above sometimes they are not quite ready but it seems work work the best foe me.

Use a shallow box, pan foe a litter box. Take some poo from thw kittens and put in the litter. Show the kittens the poo. Let them smell it.

Also if thw do their business somewhere else, i use that poo put it in the litter then... Immediately put them in the litter. This also helps teach them where to go
I was going to try to stimulate them with a napkin or tissue like some people do with orphaned kittens and put that in the litter box! thank you.
I litter trained a feral kitten, years ago, with no problem by putting him in the box when it looked like he was looking for a place to go. Then rewarded him with a spot of cheese cake on my finger. It worked like a charm, although I think he just went and scratched in the litter box a few times just to get the cheese cake.
Okay so litter training was a success and i have all kittens using the litter box now!

Next thing i’m struggling with is weaning the kittens from mom. So the dilemma is, all the kittens and mom are in quarantine in a room in my house. Anytime i put food or kitten formula in a shallow dish, mom cat automatically thinks it’s for her. If i turn my back for 2 seconds it’s all gone. I can not let mom cat out of the room because they are still in quarantine. Does anyone have any solutions or thoughts of what i should do?

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