Anyone got a hatch going right now...? started Feb 12

@Eagle Flight Farm nerve wracking!! have you hatched eggs before? I hope the weather changes for you.
I know that here they always warn about icy roads, but I rarely find that they are bad at all.
I saw someplace on the interent today a lady who made an incubator out of a plastic tote with a 40 watt bulb and a layer of papertowel....? huh? if its that easy, why am i looking at $100-250 for a small incubator? Do any of you have DIY incubators?

Welcome Little Black Star!

There have been wrecks everywhere this afternoon and evening. I hope the roads are treated by morning on our route to town to pick up our eggs. I am wondering if the mail will be slowed making it into central Oklahoma.

We have a new Incuview incubator from Incubator Warehouse. This will be our first time incubating eggs. I have had the incubator running for several days making sure it was keeping the temp accurately (it is) and double checking with 3 thermometers and 2 hygrometers. I will post pictures once we have received our eggs and set them in the incubator. I'm sure I will be here asking loads of questions, reading my Storey's duck book, and hovering over our incubator.
I have 24 in the incubator. 21 Wyandotte and 3 white leghorns. Just purchased incubator and candled all the eggs. Started Feb 17th.
But spring sales pay feed bills..
I didn’t know chicks liked American dad lol. Just candled and my 41 turned in to 28 eggs the rest weren’t fertilized. Guess that’s what you get for $4 a dozen from a random guy on Facebook
I didn’t know chicks liked American dad lol. Just candled and my 41 turned in to 28 eggs the rest weren’t fertilized. Guess that’s what you get for $4 a dozen from a random guy on Facebook

If you had them shipped, that's good numbers. And not seeing veins doesn't make them not fertilized. 28 is a great number! You'll have your hands full.

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