Anyone hatching duck eggs right now?


Always Grateful
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Apr 11, 2010
I have some Welsh Harlequin eggs due to go into lockdown next week, and hatch by the next weekend..ask me if I'm nervous! My first time. I've read here in several different places that ducks are harder than chicks to hatch. I've hatched soo many chicks.
I started with 12 eggs, and now have 7 lively babies. I am worried about a couple of air is quite large going up the side..another one also, but not quite as far. They are very active at this point. Keeping my fingers crossed that they hatch. I will feel guilty if they don't make it now, after getting this far. There are some little live babies in there!
Keeping temps around 99.5 to .8. Keeping humidity around high 50's to low 60's. What is a good temp to raise it to on day 25..lockdown? I was thinking around low 80's?
If anyone else is hatching, let me know, I would love to have a hatch along here..and any kind of help along the way!
i dont change temps as much as I change humidity it is the most important they can be difficult to hatch but once you figure it out it isnt hard. I started my first hatch last year with 16 and ended up with two babies, the second time I started with 16 and ended with 14 the other two were very early quitters.
We are in the middle of a large hatch here. 4 bators total, pump that humidity up when you lock down. I monitor it closely the final 3 days before lockdown raising it slowly to 75% for lockdown. This is what level works for us here in FL so far.
Thanks all..I used to live in Florida..yeah, humid! I now live in Utah..yeah, dry!, going up slowly also sounds like a good idea the three days ahead of lock down..will try that.
So, is it really harder for a duck to hatch than a chick? Just asking, from what I've read..hopefully I'm reading in the wrong places. :
You know..... i wondered why Darkwing was making herself scarce...
woke up to 11 new Muskovy babies today.
5 have the black strip by the eye and 6 have just the little brown cap... any know if you can tell males from females at this point???
See..that's what I need, a broody to do the job right!
<<<< pretend that's a hatching baby duck!
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I just throw in a wash cloth and keep it wet and it cranks that humidity up right away. All my babies hatched within an hour of the initial external pip. Last night i heard peeping from one of the last eggs and it was rocking so i was expecting it to hatch that night or early morning. Woke up..nothin..Went out for about and hour and baby! I mean no pips no rocking no peeping and then to "Scuddle scuddle, flop"!!!
I have a magpie duck setting on about 10 eggs. they are Welsh Harlequin x magpie and then from my pair of welsh harlequins... Fingers crossed some of them hatch.. should be 3 more weeks
Ducks are notoriously long hatchers though in general. I usually wait 24 hours after a pip and then if they arent out I will help them. Usually it is a humidity issue, like right now I am letting my hens set on call eggs and a few other duck eggs, unfortunately it has been so hot with such a lack in humidity they are having trouble zipping, so I have helped three calls out they were all ready to hatch they just didnt have enough humidity to zip so I zipped for them and they popped out all on their own. Anywho sorry I go off topic, they arent super hard they just have different needs than chicken eggs, all eggs will be different. I find pheasant eggs a big pain in the you know what! But the hens do fantastic with them. So... lol. I wish you lots of good luck I have three witty bitty call babies each a different color!

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