Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

Muscovy are known as the quackless duck. They dont make any noise more than a peep from females or a hiss from males. They grow pretty quickly compared to chickens but are slower growers than other duck breeds. Muscovy are the sweetest and more personable ducks I know. Their eggs are HUGE and amazing for baking if you're into a lot of baked goods. Stop on by if you're interested in Scovies and you want some more info.
Thank you :) I don't bake much other then sugar free/no flour. Like sugar free cookies made with egg whites (can't remember what thats called they use it on top of pies too). :) I bet duck eggs would be good for that.
Thank you :) I don't bake much other then sugar free/no flour. Like sugar free cookies made with egg whites (can't remember what thats called they use it on top of pies too). :) I bet duck eggs would be good for that.
I think thats called meringue (sp) and YES duck eggs are amazing in that, they make it so light and fluffy
I really want ducks and was thinking of getting some call duck (because of their size) but ducks make alot of noise, but when you say "noiseless ducks" does that mean no quaking what so ever?
I really want ducks and was thinking of getting some call duck (because of their size) but ducks make alot of noise, but when you say "noiseless ducks" does that mean no quaking what so ever?
They can not quack. It is simply not in their vocabulary to quack. Muscovy males hiss and females peep (kinda like a chick before it gets its adult voice). I can try to get a video of my Scovies making their respective noises and post it here so you can hear what they sound like. They are not loud birds but they are large.
That would be awesome!
I candled again last night and I see blood vessels and "black dots"
. But, one may not be fertile.
I don't see anything but yellow yoke.
Maybe its just taking long.
My eggs are on day 5 under Cricket and day 2 under Cocoa. I might try candling Crickets eggs but since I am just using a flashlight, I probably wont be able to see anything for a while yet.

Still working on that video, my phone has decided to go on the fritz
I'll join too, Truffle my cochin hen has been broody all summer and hasn't had a live chick yet, She went broody when we had the heat wave and I think the heat did the eggs in nothing developed past 8 days. She then starting sitting on a EE/Amerucana blue egg and a brown mix egg and she pushed the blue egg out 3 days ago and it didn't develope past day 8 and as for the other egg it was there yesterday after lunch and a 3pm it was gone and there wasn't a sign of it anywhere and she was a little frantic so I gave her another blue egg and she was happy so i'm looking at a mid october baby if it hatches. I've tried to break her but she wants to be a momma in a very bad way.
Due to hatch on October 6th: 2 Maron (swap)
8 Silkie/showgirl (swap)
4 pullet Serama - (testing fertility)

Adding to the incubator this Wednesday: 100% Serama

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