Anyone have experience with Urban Chicken Coop Company?

Hi RubyNala97,

I just ordered the 6x8 coop from pine creek structures. Here is a link:

The quality is very good and I was told they last a long time. What is great about it is all of the windows to let in light. I plan on predator proofing it when I get it and putting linoleum squares to cover the floor. I am also a single lady and don't have the skills or strength to build one.

I have also heard Horizon Structures are good quality coops.

Also, how many chickens do you plan on having? I would allow for 4sq ft per chicken in the coop, not 2 like some coop sellers advise. Especially with a winter we just had, there were days my hens were stuck in the small urban coop. What's nice about the walk in ones is that it is easier to clean out - There are areas in the Urban Coop I just cannot reach unless I take it apart! Good luck! Barbara
I realize this question is fairly old and the asker certainly has a coop by now, but thought I would add my two cents for anyone still wondering. (and especially since I saw quite a few negative reviews that were not my experience at all.) We have had the round top coop with extra run for almost a year in northwest Iowa. during the winter we put clear shower curtains around three sides of the run to keep wind and snow out and our chickens were fine, although they did stay in the roost quite a bit more than usual. it has good ventilation, which is the most important thing. I would recommend the feeder and waterer. without it the food would get wet and there would be less room in the run. the nipple on the waterer did freeze even when the de-icer kept the water from freezing so I did have to bring them water twice a day during very cold weather. our chickens go out for a few hours a day so the space is enough for them with the extra run. Overall there are minor things I would change if I was designing and building it myself, but not everyone is a do-it-yourself person! These people have thoughtfully designed this coop and has worked very well for us and we put it together in an afternoon.

great customer service and good quality. pricey, but sturdy and good looking. I have read that many pre-fabs are flimsy, but you get what you pay for.
A couple quick questions: 1) Is there enough room to add an additional roost and 2) Is there any reason why I couldn't put a couple poop boards under the roosts and over the wire bottom?
WAJackalope, you shouldn't need an additional roost. Mine fits 8 and an extra 4 or 6 could easily fit up there. They're good sleeping close and comfy. As for the poop board, you can do it and I've considered it, but the ventilation with the open wires is nice. However, you could have the boards on the wire part and not the door which would catch most of it.
IMHO you shouldn't have more than 6 hens in there. Anymore than that would be much to crowded and not fair to the girls, unless they are bantams. Two of my girls are Brahma's and the rest are a one NH red, one Polish, and one Buff Orpington. The rule is a minimum of 2 sf per hen in an indoor coop.
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For sleeping, there is plenty of room. They really don't need much space. I let mine free range during the day.
I let mine free range also, but I am taking into consideration where I live. We had a very, very, hard winter, with lots of snow and frequent snow storms. They snow ended up being higher than their run! I covered their run with a tarp and the panels Urban coop sells, but even though, the blowing snow got into the run. I did take the top off the run and shovel it out for them, but for several storms they were stuck in the roost part for 1-2 days per storm. I felt bad for them. I even shoveled a path to an area where they could free range under an above ground pool deck. But they would have none of that, they DO NOT like walking on even a hardened layer of snow, lol. So I am taking that into consideration.
I have one, and I also have the run extension. This provides 50 sq. ft of room. The only thing that we would change is having more than one door. My husband is adapting this however. I just wanted the extra panel to swing open to make it easier to clean. In fact, Chicken Math has hit and we are ordering another one. My children and Husband and I went into a feed store and came back with 5 black sex link and 5 barred rocks because they thought you always lose some. Not always. I was only going to have six but now I have 10, they are only 7 weeks old, but I want to make sure they have enough room, so they are happy and I can keep them both really clean so there is no hit you in the face smell. I am giving a few away to friends. I am going to keep 2 barred rock and 2 sex link. I had ordered crested cream leg bars (3) sussex(2) and wynadotte(1). These are in a different brooder and are only about 9 days old. Of course it depends on whether the sussex and wynadotte are pullets. If not they have other homes to go to. Can't have roosters. So this is my deal...If you can't keep your flock size down or might have troubles doing that, go ahead and get the special deal where you get a roundtop duplex. You will actually spend a little less than ordering them at different times like me.
Thanks for the review. Can you elaborate on what you would change? I'm looking at purchasing the walk in style and would like to hear your feedback, it may be helpful to me :) Cheers!

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