Anyone have Sourdough Starter?

Do you keep Sourdough starter?

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Hi 👋🏼,
Ayup, I do sourdough. I make about 10# of bread weekly. The original starter was given to my uncle abt 40 years ago from a friend in Germany. We’re in SoCal.

Eventually, no matter where your starter originates, it will be colonized by your local yeasts. Unless you keep it under lab conditions…

I abuse the heck out of mine, and it just keeps trucking. Once it’s stable, and you get a feel of it, it’s very easy to keep going.

Mine stays in the fridge. 🤷‍♀️

Are you on Twitter? If so, I can point you to several people that have extensive threads on wild yeasts.

Patience is needed because not much happens fast with sourdough…
Thanks! I'm not on twitter
I like to make a quick fermented feed by feeding my starter at night, mixing the discard with enough layer feed to make it somewhat non-gloopy, then leave it on the counter overnight and put it in the big girls’ run in the morning.

I've had sourdough starter at various times, and I've never had any to "discard." I add flour & water to increase it, use most of it in a recipe, and put a bit back in the fridge to save for next time.
I'm looking into making and raising Sourdough starter. I wanted to see if anyone else does this.
How old is your starter? Does it have a name? Do you have any tips for me (a beginner)?
I've had my starter for 6 months now (no, I haven't named it), I got it from a friend who made it from scratch.

My only tip to give you is this: If your starter hasn't been fed in a few weeks (one time I didn't feed it over the 3 weeks around Christmas), try to feed it. It most likely isn't dead. Don't give up on it. If it has a layer of liquid on it, drain that before feeding (if it has liquid on it, that means it's hungry).
Ever made sourdough pancakes? They're really good too.
There are recipes on the baker's thread, I'm sure. I didn't think of looking there, so I thought this might work, and I like it. It's just for me, so one pan cake. Do this when you need to use some starter and feed it.

Pour enough starter for one pancake into a bowl. (I don't know how much I use.)
Add about 1 teaspoon of sugar and a sprinkle of cinnamon, mix.
Melt some butter in a small frying pan on medium heat.
When it sizzles, add the sourdough starter.
Play "whack-a-bubble" until the top looks mostly dry, and flip the pancake.
Cook the second side for 1-2 min.

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