Anyone in WV???

I'm trying to get more folks interested in them here locally since they are now legal in town. I actually had about eight silkies before they were legal. Grin. I loved them! Something got every one of them one night. No bodies were found. Just a few feathers. Kinda scary.

Oh gosh that's awful!
No evidence is something big enough to carry the whole thing away. Coyotes, foxes, etc. Usually I think racoons are bad about killing and just eating the crop out of the bird, and leaving the carcass. Hawks can also fly away with smaller chicks. Dogs will take them away too. I had one golden comet disappear, we think a hawk got it.
I figured it out. Thanks. PM sent.
You sound educated in this chicken stuff. Its good to know you. Grin. I'm fairly green concerning fowl.
Armand is outside? Yikes! Lol. With all those feathers, he will be fine. His children would probably be perched on my shoulder right now. Lol. My BCMs are at my feet again. Way too young to be outside.
I'd like my blue eggers to be americaunas, cause that's what I paid for, but its OK if they are mutts. I bought my BCMs from my pet chicken in November. They look good to me...but I'm new. I'm hoping for eggs in late spring if you decide you'd like some.

I would love to buy some hatching eggs from the bcm from you! I'm looking to buy some fun rare breeds. Most people here don't want to buy them here but if I can get npip certified I can ship them
Oh gosh that's awful!
No evidence is something big enough to carry the whole thing away. Coyotes, foxes, etc. Usually I think racoons are bad about killing and just eating the crop out of the bird, and leaving the carcass. Hawks can also fly away with smaller chicks. Dogs will take them away too. I had one golden comet disappear, we think a hawk got it.

We have coyote and fox in numbers way too high for being in the city. It is scary.
I would love to buy some hatching eggs from the bcm from you! I'm looking to buy some fun rare breeds. Most people here don't want to buy them here but if I can get npip certified I can ship them

Oh lordy...I'm happy to just give you some of their eggs to hatch. Would make me feel good knowing my grandchicks are making someone happy. They were hatched the last of November, so won't be too much longer. OK...will be a few months but hey, I get anxious! Lol
I'm glad too! It's been hard being here, so far from family! I've owned chickens for about 5/6 years now. I'm beyond chicken obsessed. Hubby is starting to get on board ;)

Ah goodness...I bet it is hard being so far from family. My family lives in WV and Kansas City, but its been years since I've seen any of them. I'm glad your guy is getting into the chickens too. I have no one interested in them. They think I'm nuts for wanting them with eggs so cheap. I totally enjoy my chicks!




First two are of my blue orp cross, second two are of supposedly ameraucanas. I have a supposedly ameraucana roo i need to get pictures of.

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