Anyone in WV???

Thanks! I keep trying to get them to lay... They get light and scratch and food and table scraps. They just don't love me!

Lol, they love you! I have a buddy who works for Kroger, and he brings me produce scraps, and some of that stuff is good enough for me to eat, and I DO! Lol. So my chickens get good quality greens daily. Don't know if that helps or not. I also get stale stuff from Little Debbie occasionally. They love that too but don't get much of it.
Lol, they love you! I have a buddy who works for Kroger, and he brings me produce scraps, and some of that stuff is good enough for me to eat, and I DO! Lol. So my chickens get good quality greens daily. Don't know if that helps or not. I also get stale stuff from Little Debbie occasionally. They love that too but don't get much of it.

Spoiled birds!! I need to find a hook up like that. Haha they get whatever we don't eat, all kinds of random stuff, they got chili the other day. I don't give them anything warm but that's about it (other than citrus and raw potatoes).

I got them two weeks ago so I'm hoping that they're still just settling in




First two are of my blue orp cross, second two are of supposedly ameraucanas. I have a supposedly ameraucana roo i need to get pictures of.

Wow what georgous chickens! I love that Lacey look in those blue orps! Wow! They look fat and healthy too. My "americaunas" look just like yours except the color. I have two white, a buff, and a blue/brown looking one. My rooster is white with black highlights. Lol. I really love your blue one! My pet chicken sells blue ones and they are high priced. Of course my BCMs were like $90 for five of them, shipped...but so worth it.
Thank you for the pics! I've got to figure out how to post pics.
Ah goodness...I bet it is hard being so far from family. My family lives in WV and Kansas City, but its been years since I've seen any of them. I'm glad your guy is getting into the chickens too. I have no one interested in them. They think I'm nuts for wanting them with eggs so cheap. I totally enjoy my chicks!

The price of eggs keeps going up! And our eggs are much better for us that those stinkin store bought eggs

First two are of my blue orp cross, second two are of supposedly ameraucanas. I have a supposedly ameraucana roo i need to get pictures of.

They are all really pretty!!! Love the colors. You could post a pic on the What Breed/Gender is This forum, or the ameraucana forum.
Spoiled birds!! I need to find a hook up like that. Haha they get whatever we don't eat, all kinds of random stuff, they got chili the other day. I don't give them anything warm but that's about it (other than citrus and raw potatoes).

I got them two weeks ago so I'm hoping that they're still just settling in

Mine don't seem to like much scraps that I've given them.
Spoiled birds!! I need to find a hook up like that. Haha they get whatever we don't eat, all kinds of random stuff, they got chili the other day. I don't give them anything warm but that's about it (other than citrus and raw potatoes).

I got them two weeks ago so I'm hoping that they're still just settling in

Yes they are a bit spoiled lol. I'll bet if you ask your produce guy at your store to save you a box of scraps he would. I send my guy eggs occasionally. Mine also get my scraps when there are any. I'm alone so there's not much cooking going on. Raw potatoes are bad for chickens? I didn't know. I knew about the citrus. I bet they are just getting settled in. They will begin laying before you know it.
The price of eggs keeps going up!  And our eggs are much better for us that those stinkin store bought eggs  :D

They are all really pretty!!!  Love the colors.  You could post a pic on the What Breed/Gender is This forum, or the ameraucana forum. 

Oh I agree. My friends don't think I'm so crazy when they want free eggs! Lol. They love my fresh eggs.
Wow what georgous chickens! I love that Lacey look in those blue orps! Wow! They look fat and healthy too. My "americaunas" look just like yours except the color. I have two white, a buff, and a blue/brown looking one. My rooster is white with black highlights. Lol. I really love your blue one! My pet chicken sells blue ones and they are high priced. Of course my BCMs were like $90 for five of them, shipped...but so worth it.
Thank you for the pics! I've got to figure out how to post pics.

I love orps, they're really pretty birds! And so huge! They come in some really gorgeous colors. They're normally really good layers too... Oh I bet the roo is handsome! My guy is white with red on him. He's got bumble foot I need to treat. I have another girl I need to get pictures of, she's like purple/brown colored. The light colored amerecauna is a lavender.
That's not too bad of a price! I need to look up some of their rare breeds
I love orps, they're really pretty birds! And so huge! They come in some really gorgeous colors. They're normally really good layers too... Oh I bet the roo is handsome! My guy is white with red on him. He's got bumble foot I need to treat. I have another girl I need to get pictures of, she's like purple/brown colored. The light colored amerecauna is a lavender.
That's not too bad of a price! I need to look up some of their rare breeds

What is bumble foot? So glad I have new chicken friends. Lol. My new tablet takes pics but fogs up outside.

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