Anyone in WV???

Hi Laura, I may be re-homing my Silkies in the spring. I have 4 hens they are laying now, and 1 beautiful white Silkie Rooster.. They were hatched in June 2016 and started laying in November. They are very cute, I have three black and one partridge hen, and a white Rooster called Cirrus. I have 16 chicks coming in April and need the room or I will need to build for more room. If you decide on Silkies let me know and maybe you would like to meet my girls. :) I love them but not sure I want to build another coop and run this year. Sincerely Monna in Greenbrier County, WV
Hi Laura, I may be re-homing my Silkies in the spring. I have 4 hens they are laying now, and 1 beautiful white Silkie Rooster.. They were hatched in June 2016 and started laying in November. They are very cute, I have three black and one partridge hen, and a white Rooster called Cirrus. I have 16 chicks coming in April and need the room or I will need to build for more room. If you decide on Silkies let me know and maybe you would like to meet my girls. :) I love them but not sure I want to build another coop and run this year. Sincerely Monna in Greenbrier County, WV

Thanks! I'll talk to my patents about it.... But I don't think I will be able to get chickens until next spring. My dad is building a shed to breed German Shepards and we have some other protects to do around the house. So I think it'll be awhile before they'll let me get chickens. But thank you!
Anyone hatching chicks to sell near Charleston? Preferably something that can be sexed? Can't have Roos in city limits

I'm in Parkersburg. Our Rural King has sexed chicks now.

I hatched some over the weekend, but won't know sexes for another couple of weeks probably. More in another incubator due in a couple of weeks too!!

I have four silkie hens that want to be mamas in the spring. Storm went broody for the first time near Thanksgiving 2016 so I may let her raise a brood this spring. The others so far have not went broody.

Now if you want full sized hens I have some ordered from a hatchery, I ordered 16 sexed welsumers hens. I may be willing to part with a few of them to make more room in my coop as they grow. I needed to save shipping so went ahead and ordered 16 I really only need 10 or 12 max.

I also have two black Silkie hens that were hatched on 6/2016 that I would like to sell. They are healthy & laying, black in color if you are interested. I live in Eastern Greenbrier County near Lewisburg WV.
@WVduckchick the rural king here has some too. The employees didn't know what kind though. They have alot of nice stuff there but their knowledge of chickens is that of a toddler. I may go back and try again. But they usually have really basic breads.

@monnarush Both the welsummers and the silkies are on my want list. When does your order arrive?
@WVduckchick the rural king here has some too. The employees didn't know what kind though. They have alot of nice stuff there but their knowledge of chickens is that of a toddler. I may go back and try again. But they usually have really basic breads.

@monnarush Both the welsummers and the silkies are on my want list. When does your order arrive?

The Rural King in Parkersburg is the same labels on the tanks as to what chicks are in it, several breeds in the same tanks and the employees usually don't know which is which. It's all a potshoot as to what you will receive if you buy those chicks. They seem to know nothing about them nor do they care to learn.
The Rural King in Parkersburg is the same labels on the tanks as to what chicks are in it, several breeds in the same tanks and the employees usually don't know which is which. It's all a potshoot as to what you will receive if you buy those chicks. They seem to know nothing about them nor do they care to learn.

That's the one closest to me. They had a laminated sign on the end of the pen, of all the birds. Their chicks come from Townline Hatchery. The pens were labeled the first few days, but I think the employees mixed up a lot of the chicks...

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