Anyone in WV???

Yes we thought so also. That's why we bought 5 acres and a tiny ranch home. here is ic of our drive which will be fun in winter lol. Not in house just yet wrapping things up in Michigan.


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Scott Depot here! We have a mixed flock of RIR, Orpington, Ameraucana, Dominique, Sussex, Wyandotte, Isa Brown, Game as well as Ducks - Pekin, Muskovey and 1 lone Swedish (had two but a coyote moved in and got it). We also have horses, pigs, sheep, goats and dogs LOL its a zoo around here. Love my chickens, tho! This is my first year with chickens. Ive always wanted chickens! BF and I drove an hour to pick up our mixed flock and I love them. We've been getting a handful of eggs from day one and more increasing every day. 19 chicks coming out of the brooder to introduce into the flock and I'll have a crazy amount of chickens
Welcome to wild wonderful WV. I have a lovely flock of buff Orpingtons and I love them. They are very sweet docile birds. Even my rooster has a fairly docile temperament. What kind of chickens are you looking into swinger mountain?
Hello, I'm not over there with you in WV. I'm in AZ. Why I am posting here in your thread is because I felt it was the best place to get an answer. I was wondering if any of you had received hatching eggs, chicks, or adults from Kurt of the Rattlesnake Ridge line B/B/S Australorps? I was going to order some more hatching eggs from him, but he seem's to have disappeared. If any of you have them from him, and are keeping the line going, please send me a message here.

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