Anyone just want to talk chickens

No one told me about chicken math lol
Im in baton rouge, BUT on 12 acres. The rules are vague...states an acre can have 3 chickens no roosters. Less than that in land requires neighbors signatures and such. I have 4 already (bending rules?) and want 2 blue layers. Straight run is all I found. I have no problem rehoming boys from the chicks...but if the rules say 3 hens, I have 4 lol and want at LEAST one but really want 2 blue layers (trying my odds for pullets with 3-4 chicks) that'll be 3 to possibly 6 too many chickens! :(

Unless those rules mean I can have 3 hens PER acre...but "per" wording isn't used. Lol "at least" wording is I don't wanna break the rules even more. Lol
Was kinda shocked myself lol not a Baton Rouge native but I'll figure something out. Maybe I need another coop on opposite side of property..."what extra chickens, that officer? That's the neighbors yard" - lol just a dirt road no neighbors there

I've never been in trouble, 1st time shouldn't be for too many chickens lol but I NEED a few least :)
Sorry bout the rules for keeping chickens :{
Was kinda shocked myself lol not a Baton Rouge native but I'll figure something out. Maybe I need another coop on opposite side of property..."what extra chickens, that officer? That's the neighbors yard" - lol just a dirt road no neighbors there

I've never been in trouble, 1st time shouldn't be for too many chickens lol but I NEED a few least

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