Anyone know how to take care of these? ***SPIDER PICTURE ALERT***


15 Years
Jan 26, 2008
Sparta, TN
I found this in one of my bearded dragon enclosures.
It wasn't there yesterday morning, but my lizards had a dark day due to some urgent family issues and I found it in there today. It had built it's web on the light fixture and was eating crickets.My first thought was to squish it, but curiosity got the better of me. We turned it into an impromptu science lesson, now I don't know what I should do with it.
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Black Widows DO NOT make good pets...
If you want a "cool" spider get a tarantula.

If you wanna keep it for show... put it in rubbing alcohol (91%) until it is dead... then pin it to a board

(just an idea)

Best is to SQUISH IT!
OMG - I so wish you had written spider in the title.

Melanie who will really have nightmares tonight.

I'd call the cops/marines/national guard any one who would kill it for me while I was in the next county calling an exterminator, kill it...
Is the bearded dragon enclosure in the house? I have never found black widows in the house. They usually like darker areas. I would find them a lot on machines that hadnt been used in a while kept in sheds or shops. I would know when I was dealing with a potential black widow by the way the webs would feel, they have very stiff webs. So if i was working on a machine and felt the web I would look in and usually find a big fat spider. I guess I was lucky and never got bit. I found a lot working in Northern California.

Also the reason I didnt get bit is spiders are afriad of us they run the other way when the sense us.
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Flufnstuffs~FluffySilkies :

OMG - I so wish you had written spider in the title.

Melanie who will really have nightmares tonight.

I'd call the cops/marines/national guard any one who would kill it for me while I was in the next county calling an exterminator, kill it...

We have a large (non-venomous) spider that builds a huge web on the side of our shop building each year. After reading an article about a spider just like her in Mother Earth News we've decided to start handfeeding her this year. Do I take your post to mean I shouldn't invite you to watch?

Black widows and brown recluse get squished. Everybody else gets a free trip outside.​
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