Anyone know what they use to dye the chicks for easter?

I think that is just cruel!!!
I feed my chickens beets occasionally and once my white Silkie got it ALL over her. Instant purple-red chicken. I don't think she was traumatized a bit.
I havent read all these posts but a few, and artificial colors can kill the chicks. Even if its just food coloring, that stuff is CRAP. They are mostly made of petrochemicals. They arent good for us humans so they would be even worse for a little chicks body

They are banning artificial colors in Britain because of all the effects they think they cause. Hopefully its only a matter of time it becomes law here. Kind of like most of the world bans cat declawing and we dont
from chicks to cat declawing...interesting ....and whats wrong with de-clawing cats?
I bought my little girl an easter duck last year. It was yellow. She love watching it play in the tub and we still have it. Does not swim in the tub anymore but we still love it. It turn out to me a boy so this year I order a girl duck for easter. He is trying to pull my hen in the kiddie pool with him, I think it needs a girlfriend. I think it is ok to get chick and duck for easter for the young ones to watch grow up and take care of. But if you get one you should not teach the kids to throw away the old. When it is not cute anymore you still need to love it a take care of it.
Its the same surgery if we were to take you to have your fingers amputated from your last joint down. You dont just "cut the claws off". You take the claw, bone, nerve, joint capsule, collateral ligaments, and the extensor and flexor tendons. Their claw is their last toe bone, not fingernail like humans
Thats just the beginning.
Its the same surgery if we were to take you to have your fingers amputated from your last joint down. You dont just "cut the claws off". You take the claw, bone, nerve, joint capsule, collateral ligaments, and the extensor and flexor tendons. Their claw is their last toe bone, not fingernail like humans
Thats just the beginning.


Wendy, (who has a few declawed cats..and will continue to declaw them...)

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