Anyone non-religious here? Please be nice!

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Sorry, wait, what? You have chickens that will eat radishes? I have never come across one in my life who would do that. I've never had any animal voluntarily eat them, not even my roaches. Feel free to come teach my chickens to eat them! I'll even give you, and not a god, the credit if you manage it.

Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to steer the topic away . . . um, to chickens . . . on a chicken forum. Huh.
Wow, I only made it to page three or so here and had to post! I'm happy to see this thread

I consider myself agnostic-pantheist-paganish...ish

I don't believe in a personal god,and sometimes I believe ancient gods represent different energies and sometimes I don't believe in any god at all. I believe in the sacredness and interconnectedness of nature. I consider reincarnation a possibility, but I prefer that we die and become dirt. I like being dirt and growing flowers the same way I like tibetan sky burials. I like the chain of existing as one thing, and aiding in the existence of another.
I can't believe I found this thread. Normally I choose not to discuss religion with anyone because there are not too many people who like the way I I am not a religous person either. I can't say that there is not a higher power and i can't say that there is but as for revolving my entire life on pleasing something or someone whom i have never and will never meet just doesn't appeal to me. I only worry about things that can directly affect my life. I fully believe that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and what goes around comes around. I live my life on those beliefs. I have nothing against anyone who is religous and i respect their choice to believe in what they want. My entire family is religous and i allow my children ( 8yo, 6yo, 5yo and 2yo) to attend church if that is what they choose to do. I figure they will learn who they are and what they want to believe as they grow up.

Anyway.... I am glad to see others that are like me
Sorry, wait, what? You have chickens that will eat radishes? I have never come across one in my life who would do that. I've never had any animal voluntarily eat them, not even my roaches. Feel free to come teach my chickens to eat them! I'll even give you, and not a god, the credit if you manage it.

Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to steer the topic away . . . um, to chickens . . . on a chicken forum. Huh.

My brats are weird, they'll eat the radish plants but will not touch grapes, scrambled eggs, stag beetles, crickets. Even the 9 week old chicks were tearing them apart yesterday. The silkies that snub treats were all over them too.
They are jumping on me the second I'm in the run when I have a bucket of them, you'd think I was starving the monsters! Yesterday was icicle radish. A couple of days before it was red radish. And remember these are bolted, they didn't do hardly anything root wise, just greens. If I had any left I'd video it but.... I pulled them all and am replacing them with butterbeans.

Now back to our regularly scheduled thread
Sorry, wait, what? You have chickens that will eat radishes? I have never come across one in my life who would do that. I've never had any animal voluntarily eat them, not even my roaches. Feel free to come teach my chickens to eat them! I'll even give you, and not a god, the credit if you manage it.

Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to steer the topic away . . . um, to chickens . . . on a chicken forum. Huh.

What? Talking chickens? You chicken folks are obsessed.

Welcome to the thread monita and Rainbow Advaya.
Hard to imagine there's a place you can safely discuss non-religion huh? Next thing you know someone will start a thread about politics and it will stay friendly and not get shut down. Now that I'd like to see!!!
Sunny, you know THAT will never happen. Politics have a way of affecting everyone. If you think differently than me, and you vote differently than me, I have to live with the results. With religion, we can think differently and life goes on.
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Somewhat along this line is that old saying "God helps those who help themselves." I have often seen those people who do just what you have mentioned, praise God for what you've accomplished and criticized you for what you haven't. If there is a higher power/creator/god (which i don't discount) it looks like that creator made sure that we were given all the tools that we would need to succeed at the tasks and challenges we would face in our lives. Some of us explore and develope those skills and some just sit back and wait for the higher power/creator/god to 'take care of them'. If things go well they claim to have been blessed and if things go sour they fear that they are not devout enough. Bullwhooey. I don't say this to be offensive and apologize if it sounds that way to any of you, but I say "Get off your knees and stop asking your God for more favors. If there is a God, he is not Santa Claus or an errand boy to order around. Use what you have and help yourself!"

Again, sorry if i offend anyone with that, really don't mean it that way. Prayer isn't the culprit in this case, but how it's used, is.

edited to add...maybe someone else who understands me can explain what I'm saying better than i can, haha
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Well I am a christain, go to a christain school etc.... but I LOVE this thread!!!! Its really cool what everyone shares......

and i agree with alot of it......

I really appreciate others opinions and views..... and some amazing thourghts and questions have come from this thread for me......

just coz i can......
I don't say this to be offensive and apologize if it sounds that way to any of you, but I say "Get off your knees and stop asking your God for more favors. If there is a God, he is not Santa Claus or an errand boy to order around. Use what you have and help yourself!"

Funny but that is just the way I feel! Whatever happened to "Adapt, overcome, improvise!" We used to be a nation that prided ourselves on our rugged individualism and now it's a dirty word. What happened to "cowboying up"? Now everybody is supposed to act like sheep and thinking for yourself makes you a problem maker instead of a problem solver. Schools USED to teach critical thinking. Now thinking for yourself makes you an outsider and not part of the norm. Gawd! "Don't ask questions or make waves" seems to be the new rule of the day.

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