Anyone on now to help me! Please!!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 22, 2010
I have a chick whose egg shell is off over it's mouth but the membrane is still intact. We can hear and see it's beak moving...should we do anything or let it be?
If it has pipped the shell then it probably just looks like the membrane is still intact. I've had loads pip like that and you can't see the hole in the membrane. It'll almost certainly have pecked a tiny hole in the membrane and it'll be breathing air. Congrats!
I don't see a hole at all!! Should I just leave it then? It's like looking through a plastic at its beak moving...I'm SO worried!! do I cut open a hole for it?
Leave it alone. If it has just pipped it can take a long time before it starts to zip. If you can hear it peeping it is breathing fine. Best thing to do is leave the cover on the bator! Good luck with you hatch!
So it won't be drowning or getting "shrink wrapped" in there if I just leave it alone? Since I can hear it and see it's beak moving? The membrane won't dry out in that spot?
As long as your humidity is fine then the chick will be fine. It can take over 24 hours for them to hatch sometimes. It will be OK. I would only start worrying past 24 hours and it hasn't started zipping but even then there might not be anything wrong. Breathe a little and step away from the bator, the chick is fine right now!
Okay thank you! You're right I just need a moment. This is the last one we think will hatch out of our eggs and it's been so stressful!! Good thing I have a meeting for work I have to go to soon. Maybe it will hatch out while I'm away and not mothering over it.
Thanks everyone!!
At this point you will mess up the humidty by opening up the incubator and trying to "help" it... more of a chance of getting shrink-wrapped if you do that! It will be fine... give it some time... hatching is hard work for such a little one!

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