anyone tried automatic chicken door opener?..


9 Years
Aug 10, 2010
Fairfield County
I'm going to try and get one for christmas, but are they reliable? if so what brand? I would like the one with the timer! Please share positive or negative experiences with the automatic door opener! Thanks!
I own three of them, two of one kind I highly recommend, and a third that's okay. (I bought it when I needed another but my favorite was out of stock.) The third uses a timer and requires electricity to operate. I hate resetting the timer all the time.

My favorite is the Electronic Doorkeeper from Foy's - it uses regular AA batteries so it doesn't need power run to the coop, and a light sensor controls the opening and closing of the door. That model has worked perfectly for more than a year on the very first set of batteries. The factory setting on the light sensor is perfect; the door opens at dawn and closes at dusk.
I built my own. The only thing I bought was a curtain opener motor (about 70-80 dollars new) and a timer. The I just cut a door out of wood and put it between 2 grooved pieces of wood attached a string to it and fed it through the opener and out a weight equal to the door weight on the other side of the string. You can find this on youtube. it works great.
I use add a mote withmy own door. The door is a 3/4" thick plywood piece that runs inside a track of metal drawer glides.

I also got the solar kit because I do not have power at the coop.



I'm very happy with it.
I have the one from Foy's and yes, it is expensive, but one of the best purchases I have ever made. Every freezing morning, rainy night or any other time, I am so happy to have it. I don't have to be home (or outside) at dawn or dusk, can leave for the weekend without having someone lock them in, and don't have to worry about them being exposed to predators if I have to work late. It is without a doubt one of the best things EVER!! Mine was about $250 and has been going strong on the first set of batteries for almost two years now. That comes out to less than 40 cents per day for an amazing amount of convenience!
Another thing....I was going to go with the timer but settled on the sensor because it was less expensive. It turned out to work better for me because it is set just right to let the door up at daylight and the girls are always inside when the door closes at night. Also with the timer you have to constantly reset it because of the changing daylight hours.

Again, I LOVE this thing!!
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