Anyone Use Oxine?

What a fantastic article! Thank you so much for sharing that!!! I have a gallon of this stuff and haven't used much of it because I was so unsure of how to use it. I know now what I can do with it. I sure wish I would have had that info. this past summer when my flock was battling Coryza. Thanks again!
Is just spraying the oxine over everything in your coop as good as fogging? What is the advantage to fogging? I don't mine the work of spraying the Oxine on, if it's just more work. If I don't need to buy a fogger, I'd rather not. Thnx!
Is it safe to use Oxine is a birds water for treating Infectious Coryza or MG? And does it actually KILL the diseases? It’s just a curious question lol.

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