Anyone used the wall mounted "dispatchers" I've seen on the UK sites?


11 Years
Sep 24, 2008
SW Central Michigan
I see on the UK sites, both hand held and wall mounted "dispatchers" that are supposed to be humane (by breaking the neck) and less messy,(by allowing the bird to bleed out into a space in the unslit neck.

Anyone have experience with these? And have you seen anything similar for sale in the US?

Been slicing my chicken's necks with a disposable scalpal, but not sure that's the most humane way. :-(
With my luck and coordination, I'd probably shoot myself before I got the bird.

I was interested in those dispatchers too. I haven't found a source for them in the US and they're darned expensive. Let me know if find something.


HOW?????? I almost think I could do something like that!!! It is the hands on thing I couldn't handle. I can't even hardly get pics of my chickens they move so much...but maybe meat birds would be different?

Didn't mean to hijack your thread!! This just sounded exciting!!!
Good grief. I can't picture how to do that successfully. Gun in one hand, chicken in the other, and while holding onto the gun, bend down, and hold the bird still in a good position, and lift up one foot, and try to keep this roundish bodied creature from wiggling right out from under my foot, while I stand back up, or part way up, chicken trying to get away while I try to maneuver the gun barrel into the right spot, and not fall on my a**......I could just see me trying not to lose my balance, and not crush the poor bird, trying to keep a panicked bird from squirming out from under my foot....
Chickalator, is that how your cousin shot himself in the foot?

I haven't tried this yet, but here's how I picture it, (in practice this might be harder) figuring I'd be working alone:
Use a stump or big block of wood, two nails just far enough apart to hold the neck and not let the head slip through.
Feet tied, maybe a stretchy sleeve or some such to slide onto the bird to keep the wings from flapping.

Place bird belly down, neck between the nails, hold the feet, pull back gently so the head is firmly held. Gun barrel to the back of the birds head. Bang.

The gun would be pointed down, not toward your feet, not near your hand, not sending a projectile out to hit an unintended target.

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