Anyone wanna work out with me???

I agree that it must be the changing seasons. I know I'm down because I am unable to find a job and as a result we are hurting. I know exercising would make me feel less down, I WILL start again mon. Just doing floor exercises so as not to stress out my ankle again. I don't have much choice right now of what to eat as it is time to go shopping again, we only go once a month or month and a half. I am waiting to weigh myself until next week. It doesn't work for me to do it every week, too depressing when I don't lose any. We just all need to keep up each others spirits and keep plugging away at this.

I read an article last month that healthy weight loss averages around 1-3 pounds a week, and therefore weekly weighing in could get depressing. It suggested following diet & exercise regimens and then weighing in monthly. To focus on how healthy you feel and not the numbers. And then weighing monthly you should see closer to a 10 pound difference, rather than a depressing pound or 2.
Oh that would be a better way to weight yourself!! Thanks for posting it wegotchickens!!

Like chknmom, I get too easily discouraged. Better to focus on making healthier choices and getting exercise. That's a winning strategy in the long run, even if the scales continue to be the enemy!

And chknmom, don't get too discouraged about the job thing. The right position will come along. Have faith!
Thanks wegotchickens, I know that when I'm supposed to go to work it will happen, for some reason I'm just not supposed towork right now. I just worry about losing our ranch because of it.
I have been out of the loop for a while, so just getting caught up on whats going on here.

It's a good thing you all are doing. It's also a good time to be getting exercise IMO cause its not so dang hot!

I'm 51. I have lost 30 lbs. in 2 years. Lost 20, gained back 15 and started over. I used to weigh every day. For a loooong time I weighed every day at least once. Sometimes more. I liked it. It gave me an instant understanding of what was going on with my body. Once I got mentally trained as to the healthy diet choices, (after more than a year) I just started weighing less often. Without even thinking about it. Now I weigh about once a month. I usually get a nice surprise. 3 0r 4 lbs. But it stays off. Not up and down like I used to do.

I follow South Beach, with allowances for blood type. As in Peter D'adamo-Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type. But the biggie for me is South Beach Diet. My DH lost 60 lbs in 6 months on SB. He went from his Doc telling him "continue as you are and get your affairs in order. Or buy SBD book and make changes if you want to live more than a few years"; to "You are doing great. There is no indication to do further tests". He nailed his weight, BP, and blood work inside of 6 months.

I would like to loose 30 more lbs. Right now I am at about 180. So if it's okay with you guys, I want to tag along on this thread. One thing I haven't done much of this summer is exercise. I like to walk. So I am going to try to start walking. After I get the kids to school. And feed the horses and chickens. And let the dog out. And milk the goats. And give the bunny some attention. I guess I'll have to get DH to chase me around the farm!
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I'm starting Weight Watchers tomorrow. I'm pushing 300 and going to kill myself if I don't get this under control.

Can't workout too much right now. I'm stuck in a wheelchair with this broken foot for at least another month. BUT I'm going to do what I can. Need ya'lls help to keep me on track. I hear a Dr. Pepper calling my name already!!!!
My mother was sometimes bedridden before she passed. She had an autoimmune disease and took prednisone for years. But she would lay in bed and exercise her legs. And her arms. She was an inspiration to me. She worked so hard at staying alive. Then in a few weeks she would be walking, with a walker. Then with canes. Then with one cane. Then she would be going to bridge, going to water aerobics, getting a manicure and a pedicure. She was amazing.
So sorry you are in a wheel chair. I know that is depressing. But do what you can do! Working your arms can be good aerobic exercise.
My kids were Dr. Pepper fanatics. Now they drink it sometimes, but they are drinking more sparkling flavored water and plain water! They won't drink my tea. It isn't sweet enough.
For me, I like to drink Propel or diet cranberry juice when I want a sweet drink. It's enough to do it for me. "They" say that if you are craving something you should wait 10-15 minutes before letting yourself have it and drink some water in the meantime. Often thirst is mistaken for hunger. If you still want whatever it is after the 10-15 minutes have passed, allow yourself a moderate amount. That way you're not depriving yourself and getting off track. Sodas are my BIG demon. I used to never, ever drink water. I drink it a lot now.

Glad to see we've got some newcomers! Good luck to everyone!

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