Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

I just joined the gym on friday. Ive had so much pain the last 4 months I have to take it easy, Ive lost 10 pounds just being to tired and in too much pain to get up to eat! I just found out I have a bulging disk in my back so I have to start out slowly but at 35 my health is starting to show the extra weight Ive had my whole life. I have been following on a great FREE website, . Its just like eDiets but totaly free.
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I am in too!!

I have been planning this for awhile and today I stopped eating chicken and red meat and refined sugars. I ate my first veggie tofu burger for lunch. It wasn't too bad.... definitely not sirloin, but okay. Had a salad and potato for dinner. And kachi bars for a snack.

Day one.... VICTORY!

I have been reading Bob Greene's Total body makeover and am going to start his exercise program. It is very hard for me though because of several health issues. From my chemo, I have heart and lung damage and I also have no parathyroids, which monitor calcium balance. If you think of your muscle cells as long canoes, calcium is the oars that make them move. So with no calcium, no muscle movement. Including heart, lungs, intestines, veins, arteries and of course muscles. And my bones are getting thicker and denser because I have no way to break them down. It is very frustrating. SO.. I will try my hardest.
I'm in! I just bought a cheapie pedometer at Wally World to replace my old one that just doesn't register anymore. I don't need accuracy, just a rough idea if I've managed to walk more than 3 miles/day.

I have walked quite a bit while here in MA visiting family. Hopefully, I will keep it up when I get home. Maybe those reluctant 10 pounds will GO AWAY!

*no more junk food* :mad:
Doing my morning check-in! I DID IT! I got up and exercised this morning!
Thank you all for the encouragement and little kick in the butt, so to speak! This is exactly what I needed.
Can I join?

I exercise 4-5 days a week at a gym and I also go to a yogy class once a week, but my eating habits are terrible.

I love food. Yummy fried food. I swear I would eat fried butter if they made it. I also love healthy food, but I really love fried food and chocolate. Gawd, how could I forget chocolate.

Help me!
Exercise that doesnt feel like exercise you say?
I know of what I do and it just happens...I walk and ride my bike for most of my work, to the store for shopping, to visit friends, etc. I have been "not driving" for years, way before the "pain at the pump" began. Try permitting, exercising outdoors sure beats any machine workout in a gym!
I got a good giggle there,, I love my veggie burgers, they are mostly mushroom based and taste great. I also like my turkey burgers. My dad and mom borrowed some burgers from me and they were in ziplocks in the freezer, they had no idea they were veggie burgers. My dad who hates mushrooms just RAVED about them!

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