Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Rhett&SarahsMom :

Missouri chick- Right now health is my motivator.
Both my dad parents died before I was born. Strokes both of them. They were in their late 40s. My dad died at age 57. Complications from a massive stroke.
My cardiologist thinks that my heart attack was caused by a blood clot that "went through" With my family history of strokes I dont doubt it. I was lucky. This time.

I have to tell everyone get a full panel of blood work done.
Know your cholesterol level(bad and good) Know how your thyroid is performing. And have them check your iron levels and clotting as well.

I had a panel run a week after my attack. My levels were all good. Thyroid ok. But they didnt check clotting and iron. My cardiologist has now sent me for another work up including those other things. I am just waiting on the results.

This morning I walked a mile and half in just over 30 minutes then had to run and take the kid to play group. I am going to get another 2 miles in this afternoon. Lunch was left over steak cut up into a fresh salad( not from my own garden yet though)

I sure am hoping for good new for you. I have a MINOR heart defect that MANY people have. It's called mitral valve prolapse. Basically, I have a leaky valve. Nothing major. Dr says that exercise is the best thing for me. I've had the blood work and echo on my heart. Luck (or should I say God) has been with me. My heart, like many others, has stayed healthy.
Being overweigh runs in my family along with other related health issues caused by it. I DO NOT want to end up with their troubles. Getting HEALTHY and feeling better is my main goal. Plus, I still have most of my skinny clothes. As I loose I will throw away my fat clothes, or give away to others as they loose.​
Amy I dont own a scale. What I do own are clothes that are fitting me looser and looser as the months go by.
First, we need a disclaimer. Nothing we say should be undertaken without the person speaking to their health care professional, first.

That said, I have some thoughts, but I'm not sure I remember who brought these things up, so, just in general:

For health, I drink water with twist of cranberry. I get pure concentrate of cranberry juice, no sugar. Then I ignore the directions, and put a little bit in my water every time I have a glass throughout the day. When I started, I'll bet I put 1 drop in, now I use 1/4 teaspoon, maybe 1/2. (Sometimes I use a smaller glass, sometimes larger.)

Just start with almost nothing, and it grows on you and you can increase, at which point it tastes like a lemon twist in water a little, only healthier. That got me thinking that a little twist of lemon might make water more interesting to some. Doesn't it seem like water's great until you are pushing it?

Also, I have some crackers which are something like 60 calories per 8. They are rice based, and are toasted onion. I eat them before bed to keep my blood sugar level until morning. Stocking up on snacks like that allows you to make the lifestyle changes desired...since we aren't getting involved in short term fad fixes.

No one is going to stay with something if they feel hungry all the time, if their blood sugar drops, or they are supposed to nibble carrots all day.

In my opinion, you need to stock up on snacks you feel are acceptable, which should be a combination of veges, fruit, carbs and protein. Eating several times a day isn't as bad as eating too few times a day, IMO. But the snacks need to be helpful, and not undermine what your goal that low calorie, low fat or cholesterol etc.

So something like these crackers are good, maybe energy bars, vegetables already cut up in the fridge (no one wants to fix something every time they need a snack, after the first month, so keeping already washed and cut fruits and vegetables is helpful.), some nuts, low-fat cheese, or a hard boiled egg, are important to have where they can be gotten. Also, drinks like V-8 are nice.

You can make a "trail mix" which has in it what's acceptable to you to snack on. And it costs less to make it, too.

That reminds me, if you love sweets, but hate the idea of the desserts you are used to, try whole dates. They can be sickeningly sweet after a couple, so do the job of satisfying the sweet tooth, with fewer calories and no bad ingredients. They are also good for you. And if you pop them in the freezer, they are a cold snack in hot weather. Less damaging than ice cream!

It's not as sweet, but I also freeze whole fresh blueberries for a cold snack on a hot day. Low calorie, and, again, good for you!

Remember, with hot weather coming up, to have extra to drink since you'll be exercising, but also things like a tomato, or the V-8, and other things which would replace what you lose. There's been a problem the past couple of years with people going to the ER with what seems like heat stroke, but it's not, it's low sodium, and if given inocuous IV fluids, it makes it worse.

They've tracked it to bottled water. These days, everyone, it seems, takes water out in the summer. They perspire, then drink and repeat while out. Seems good, but most bottled water is devoid of the salts water usually has. In fact, a good portion of your sodium normally comes from water.

So, don't exercise, go out all day etc. and just drink bottled water. Especially since, when trying to lose, one of the first things which often is cut back on, is salt. Either on purpose, or as a by-product of healthier eating. (ie, eating less fast food, pre-packaged foods etc.)

It's my belief that everything in moderation is the way to go, unless you have to leave a food alone for a health reason.

Also, to cut back on red meat, but still eat some, try buffalo...American Bison. No hormones etc. added, less fat than boneless, skinless breast of chicken, and ask your dr. if you have a heart problem, of course, but many Drs. are okaying it for people who've had heart attacks. It also has more iron per bite than beef, for the ladies here who need it. I don't buy it ground, I buys steaks or roasts and cut them up/make ground meat myself from them. But whatever's available!

I'm starting with a very light dumbell tonight.
I used to weigh 295 lbs. Eight years ago, I decided I wanted to LIVE and I lost 120 lbs. I will post pics as soon as I scan them in. I have managed to keep it off for all 8 yrs. I am stuck with my last 20
but I am still fighting the good fight! I will work to lose that 20 this summer!! I am in!!
I am currently training to run a marathon in October. My longest run so far was 15 miles in 2:08
. I have a few more weeks to go and still have to add another 10 miles or so to my long runs.
I am 48 and had a heart attack about 5 years ago. I have lost 40lbs and changed my entire outlook on life/family. The best thing I did for myself was to start excerizing on a regular basis. That 2 hours every morning is MY TIME it may be early in the morning but its mine.
Rhett&SarahsMom :

Amy I dont own a scale. What I do own are clothes that are fitting me looser and looser as the months go by.

This is me too! I don't own a scale either. I just keep track of me loosing be how my clothes fit. I won't be posting weight either!

I exercised again this morning!!!​
Wow, you folks are such an inspiration! I too have had the gastric lapband, keeping 50 lbs off can be a challenge, BUT I have LOTS more weight to lose. I also have 3 types of arthritis, which makes weightloss a challenge. Needless to say, this morning I was getting up and going for a short walk to limber up. I have pain if I go for a walk or not, so why not do what I can!!!
One thing that I have found that is a wonderful weightloss tool for myself (besides tie my hands behind my back) is Herbalife products, it was very successful for me, but its expensive! I lost a lot of inches quickly, 2 sizes in 8 weeks, yet I want to do this training myself and lifestyle change.
As you can see on the photos from Windsor Poultry Show posting, there is a pic of me...either way, that is who I am and the best I can do is to keep trying!
You are all doing so great!!! Can't wait to see how everyone does through the summer!
My ankle and knee ache with every step. But i push through it. I often yell at myself in my head.
"Keep going!!" "Push it!!"

I have also put some Marine Corp cadences in my shopping cart on ITunes. One day I will get to purchasing them. For now I have all the up tempo stuff on there to help me crank it out. If I sit too long though I find my ankle gets stiff. Not fun. But I feel better when I walk. And I find I do it more now that I have my treadmill taunting me.

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