Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

ok ya'll,,,I'm checking in from work. I was giving myself reasons not to work out tonight. After reading I know I'll be doing some kind of work out. I've eaten VERY well the last few day also. Thanks for all your posts. It's the motivation I need.
I do! I've gained about 15lbs in the last year.
I went from being very active to not active at all. Between the intestinal ulcers I was diagnosed with & the three cracked ribs I've got I'm pretty much confined to the couch so watching what I eat is the best way I can combat gaining more weight.....although I'd still like to lose about 10 pounds so I don't have to keep buying "fat clothes" anymore!
i am not over weight just outta shape I lost 10 pounds from just trying to eat healthier and less I still pretty much eat the same things just allot less OH and not cafateria food from school ! when I don't bring a small lunch or scrounge somthing I don't eat. I lost fifteen but then I slipped a bit and ate just a tad more and gained 5 I am looking better though and I feel better I am going to try to eat even healthier IE no dessert its my weakness. I really just need to work on exercise I stopped playing squash for a little but I will start again I am playing for the first time in two months tommarow. I am going to work out on my dads rowing machine for 45 mins this afternoon. Rowing is great exercise I have kept up with my push ups and sit ups and I jump allot on the tramp LOL I want to lose ten or fifteen or maybe just get more toned I am not overweight for my height to IDK. Good Luck to everyone else!

Well, I was stuck home today with two sick kids. So I popped them in the double stroller with their favorite blankies and took a walk while they rested.

Fresh air, sunshine, good for everyone. And believe me, pushing a nearly 5 year old and a 2 year old in a third hand stroller that has seen better days down barely paved roads is good exercise!

And my neighbor just stopped by to drop off some lettuce from her garden so I know what I am eating today! (I think she is trying to butter me up for fresh eggs once the chicks are big enough - it's working!)
Myself and 2 friends fromm church were walking 4 miles a day up until the last 3 weeks. 1 took a trip to Missouri for 1 week the other is trying to wait until school is out and has been active in all the programs and me, just obsessed w/ my chickens and my family. I never knew they would keep me this busy.
I hope to get back to the walking within the next couple weeks. I'm game for loosing weight.

I only weigh a 120 pounds it just protected by a fatty layer.
Its funny, I thought about posting a weight loss thread a couple of days ago but was also afraid it wouldn't be allowed. I am in, although reading seven pages of posts a day might be hard! I lost 34 pounds on Weight Watchers a year and a half ago. Gained back 15, clothes started to get tight. Went back on, lost 5, had foot surgery, was confined to bed, walk slow and with a limp now, gained back 6. I reallly need to lose at least 11 again so I don't have to buy all new clothes.

I need exercise I can do with a bum foot (and arthritis of the knees). Any suggestions?

If you are a water hater, try Fruit 2 0. I am addicted. I love it.

I also decided that I can give up cookies, cake, and cold cereal (I will eat 3 bowls at a sitting) if I can have a big bowl of strawberries with Splenda and fat free half and half everyday.

My favorite summer exercise is working in the garden!
Ok I decided to run and now I am rowing I ate some chipotle not that bad an you won't know what it is unless you live in a eastern college town
but anyway it made me feel sick and I didn't drink enough I ran like a mile and a half my pace was fast but I forgot how hard the first summer run is its hot and humid gross. well I think I am going to row for 10 mins. Rowing might be alright for you guys that have injurys it does use allot of muscles in the arms and legs but its not pounding the pavment and their is not impact so it might work and it burns a ton of calaries tonight I am having some chickens ceaser salad from the garden and no not the chickens but I want to do that eventually and its not the gross creamy ceaser dressing its homemade.

I am a water drinker but sometimes want to change and have a flavor, so I take a healthy wedge of lemon in a 16 oz bottle (mug) with cover on it with 2 sweetn low! The more lemon you squeeze in, like 1/2 of it or more, it will be like Lemonade- then ice it up or even whip it in the blender for a icey! Yum.
I am a night time eater. No matter how good or bad I do durning the day, evening rolls around and so does the beast within.
Needless to say, I will skip supper and have a plate with low cal dressing, sliced veggies, fruit (apple), sharp cheese and triscuits. Then I get my evening snacking and can keep weight balanced (atleast no gains).
Great ideas folks, so far a good day with food and up and going! woohoo, thanks for the motivation!

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