Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

I'll do it if you do it. Let me put the laptop down and do some now as a matter of fact.

How many? Need an idea here.

Well, I just did 50 side crunches on each side and 50 normal ones. But what you can do depends a lot on what shape you are in currently, so don't take me as a measure!

Now it's your turn.
I like the pink lemon aid too!! I have a packet of it in my desk right now waiting for my water to get cold!

I have been reading my Eat Right for Your Type book, and I am literally amazed at how much sense all of it makes! I am a classic Type O, and all of the digestive problems, fatigue, and general yucky feeling are spot on. I am looking forward to documenting a difference when I get started in full swing. I like to read the whole program before starting, so I know just exactly what I should be doing. I also found out swimming is a great exercise for my Type.. which is great, cause I LOVE swimming. Monday, it's back in the gym pool for me!!
I skipped my workout this morning for the dumbest, stupidest, DUMBEST reason of all - a hangover! I drank too much last night! I was upset by something at work, and went home and downed four glasses of wine. Was that stupid or what? Not only the calories and pure sugar, but the fact that it made me miss doing something good for myself.

I'm still queasy! I sure hope I learned a lesson. (Of course, the best lesson would be for me not to let things at work get to me to the point of overdrinking!!!)

The REST of you guys are doing great! You are a big help to me!
Well, I've been a very bad girl. The pms'y thing really got the best of me this weekend. I can't say I did much of anything good diet wise. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I can and will go back to it. Every three months or so, I just have to let my tummy have it's way with this.

How have all of you been doing?
I am starting my Eat Right for your type diet in the morning. So today, I said goodbye to chocolate covered peanuts and combination fried rice

But, it will be so worth it when I get into a cute new bathing suit next summer!!!
Well, I dropped nearly 5 pounds in one week due to stress.

Now that everything is roses and sunshine this week, I am putting it back on!

I have been doing well getting some exercise. I haven't gotten to the gym in 2 weeks, but I was up cleaning gutters yesterday and clearing the storm detritus (dropped branches from 90 year old trees) out of the yard, as well as laying fencing for the chickens' run. Oh and then I came back inside and realized that my house was a total disaster and made at least 40 trips up and down the steps straightening up (who needs a stairmaster)!

My big problem is that there is no food in the house. If I can get to the grocery store tonight and get decent food, I should be ok. Otherwise, it is snacking on microwave popcorn instead of fruit and veggies!

My kingdom for a salad!
walked 3 miles this morning.
I was "bad" over the weekend though. well Saturday anyway. Had half a small snack size bag of potato chips and a fried dough. Flea market is fun, but so not healthy.

I dont think I am going to reach my goal size by my husbands surprise birthday party mid July. But I am thinner and feeling better. So that is something.

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