Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Ok, I have been lurking in this thread on and off long enough!!!

My name is Sue...and I am a junkfoodaholic!!!!!

Haven't read all 25 pages yet, but I've seen quit a few good pointers.

I am going to try slim fast shakes (again) I like them because I cannot make good food choices if I have to cook something.

I have several exercise tapes, but hate working out alone. My favorite is "Bodies in motion" Guess I'll drag it back out

Good luck all
count me in i have been lurking and reading and i need and want to lose weight. i have cut back on the junk foods and have started drinking more to get up eariler to excersize.....i will set the alarm early to do that.
I used to work at an office that had bagels & cream cheese delivered every Tuesday morning. I used to be able to have two or three loaded bagels at a time. I used to snack on crackers by the hundreds (out of boredom at my jobs mostly).

Now I'm 47 and realize that snacking on salty crackers and multiple bagels non-stop is going to send me into permanent, irretrievable Frumpland before I'm 50.

It's taken a long time, but I've gotten out of the habit of thoughtless carb snacking. Only young folks can get away with it - cold hard truth. (Doesn't it make you just crazy when you see some young skinny thing chowing down on a giant bag of chips?!)

(I do have a bagel when I'm on vacation though - I'm not stupid!)
been dying to get on here all day,,,,

Scramble egg, thank you for the compliment, but all of these people deserve the credit also. You are so sweet. I wish there were a magical pill. I would have taken it a LONG time ago. Get a full length mirror. I only had one at my vanity in bath room. I only saw myself from the front and from the waist up. Got a good look at myself from the side and full length,,,,it wasn't pretty, but it was a wake up call.

critter hill....There is no way I could have resisted pizza and bagles with c. cheese. if everyone is eating it. yummmmmm
I put on a lot of weight at my last job. We worked for a specialist and reps. like to cater. We'd have food 3-5 times a week. Not just the dull stuff either. I'm talking GREAT stuff. Once we had a chocolate fondue tower. OH MAN!!!

To you new folkes, join in and we'll all help each other. I know the girls here have been a great help in my own motivation.
Well, I have to report partial success. I did have a bagel, but I bailed right before lunch and worked from home the rest of the day, so I avoided the evil free pizza beast.

Our chicks are 8 weeks old now and out in the coop. The run is all-but-roof. So I let them out into the run when I am home, but we have so many hawks, I can't let them out without supervision yet. So there was a double excuse to work from home this afternoon!

I will be running around like crazy for the next two days to get ready for DD's birthday party Saturday, so I expect to have pretty good success this weekend (except for the leftover cake...)

Mmmmm, chocolate fondue tower.... drooool....

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